The size is simply incredible: "garbage mountain" slowly poisons the city's residents (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 13:12

People living near the dump have suffered for years from its effects. Toxic gases from the waste leak into the air, causing respiratory illnesses, while contaminated groundwater poses an additional threat.

The Ghazipur dump, created more than 40 years ago, is one of the country’s largest environmental disasters and continues to grow despite decades of government promises to fix the problem.

The 70-acre dump is already 236 feet tall, equivalent to a 20-story building. Around 14 million metric tons of waste have accumulated here, despite the fact that the site was officially closed in 2002. However, the garbage continues to flow in, making Gazipur a growing threat to the environment and the health of residents.

Toxic Air and Polluted Water

People living near the dump have suffered from the consequences of its existence for years. Toxic gases from the waste leak into the air, causing respiratory diseases, and contaminated groundwater poses an additional threat. Gazipur also poses a high fire hazard - when the waste ignites, toxic fumes are released into the air, making the situation worse.

Dr Arshad Khan, a local general practitioner who has been practicing in the area for 14 years, warned that the dump is slowly poisoning residents.

"The poison enters their bodies through the air, weakening their immunity and making medicines less effective," he said.

The publication notes that Delhi residents are tired of empty promises from politicians. Ibrahim Khan, 71, who has lived near the dump for 40 years, says: "I have seen it only grow. All governments have promised to solve the problem, but have done nothing. People here are sick, they find it difficult to breathe."

In addition to the air and water, severe pollution has also affected local water bodies. The canal that runs next to the dump has turned black with pollutants including plastic, chemicals and decomposing organic waste.

Locals are demanding immediate intervention.

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