Old things that still faithfully serve their owners (12 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
Today, 13:12

Old things have a special charm - they not only look unusual, but also keep special memories. And we are not talking only about some antiques or family heirlooms. The authors of these photos shared photos of old things that still faithfully serve their owners.

The most unusual ring I got from my great-grandmother

I put on my mother's wedding dress, without changing anything in it

Time Machine: me and my son now and my dad with me in 1992 year

An accordion inherited from my grandfather. This accordion was given to my grandfather by his parents sometime in the 1950s so that he could learn to play. As a result, the accordion is now played by the third generation.

I use my grandmother's Mickey Mouse clock, it works great

I really loved playing with this excavator 35 years ago, now my son plays with it

This coffee machine is 60 years old, my grandma

Kotik also loves vintage

An engagement ring from a relative who got married in 1923

Grandma made this dress in 1959. Today I came to my grandma's hundredth birthday party in it

My grandfather gave me a radio from the 50s, the sound is still great

Great-grandmother's glasses are back in business

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