15 vintage items with unusual hiding places (16 photos)
The special charm of antique objects and things from flea markets is that they always have a certain element of mystery - you can't always even say exactly when they were made.
And if you add real "secrets" to this, the thing will bring even twice as much pleasure! Is there a person who would not be surprised by a secret drawer in a sofa or a box with a double bottom? Let's see what other secrets can sometimes be discovered!
At first I thought it was just a bracelet. Great, I love unusual watches!
Found this secret table
The shop owner said this box is 50 or 60 years old!
My grandparents' butter dish
Accidentally dropped an old camel and found out that it opens, which I didn't know guessed
Drop your things more often, maybe you'll find something else interesting!
A few years ago in a regular consignment
Bryan Blair
My new serving plate!
Mom bought a cane at a flea market. She never thought of that!
Vintage Perfume Bottle
I bought this hat box without suspecting anything
It turned out to have a fake top and inside this forgotten beauty with outfits is stored here.
Secret box. Never seen anything like this before!
I took apart a lamp from the 70s that I always had and found a second bulb
A secret door on my new $7 cat watch!
My vintage dress has a weight sewn into the collar to keep it from curling
My friend's couch has a secret compartment for storing wine