In England, tablets with the commandment “Thou shalt not steal” were stolen from a temple (3 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:03

If you're going to hell for one sin anyway, why not go there as a legend? - thought the English thieves and went to work.

St Andrew's Church in Little Steeping, Lincolnshire, contained three Victorian-era frescoes depicting the commandments that God personally gave to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 20) and which prescribed rules for people to live by - do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother, and so on. Including "do not steal." But some bastards went and stole it.

Basil Harwood, 80, who has been a churchwarden for more than 10 years, said: "They probably wanted to know a bit more about the commandments. They clearly hadn't read them when they stole them. And if they had, they clearly didn't understand them."

On their way, the thieves stole a painting, also in a heavy wooden frame, depicting Moses reading the commandments and the Lord's Prayer, and an extension cord. Yes, an ordinary one, apparently, they just happened to find it, although who knows, maybe it's also an artefact. Just kidding.

Lincolnshire Police, who are investigating, said the value of the stolen art is unknown but that it "has sentimental value to the church and its members".

This is not a derelict building, but a functioning church.

The church said it remains open to parishioners and asked anyone with information to contact it.

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