Two French Thieves Find Themselves in a Stalemate Over a Winning Lottery Ticket (2 photos)

27 February 2025

Luck played a trick on these two weirdos.

Two enterprising thieves broke into the car of Toulouse resident Jean-David, well, not broke it, they just broke the window and stole a backpack with a wallet. The owner, having discovered the loss, immediately called the bank and said that his card had been stolen, it should be blocked. No sooner said than done, the bank employee reported that the card had been used in a store nearby.

Jean-David immediately rushed to the store, where he found out that two homeless people were buying cigarettes and one instant lottery ticket. Right there, they scratched off the protective layer and announced that they had won the main prize - 500 thousand euros.

And here comes the most interesting part: the owner of the card contacted the police and through them contacted the lottery organizers, explained the absurdity of the situation and asked for help. The organizers agreed with him and blocked the issuance of the winnings. But Jean-David decided to give the homeless a chance and through the media approached the thieves with an offer that is hard to refuse.

He says, without my card, you would not have bought that ticket. But I would never have bought it without you. Let's just share the jackpot without any hard feelings or complaints. The homeless people haven't gotten in touch yet, they're probably weighing the pros and cons.

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