A cat was surrendered to a shelter because of "too affectionate" character (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
27 February 2025

Is there such a thing as too much love? The family where the very affectionate cat Ravi lived thought so, and decided to get rid of the pet.

Animals end up in shelters for various reasons. Often they are born on the street - and it is a blessing if someone decides to help them and bring them to a warm and safe shelter. Sometimes they turn out to be unnecessary to their families because they are naughty and mischievous, and their owners simply cannot cope with their antics. But the story of a black cat named Ravi is unique - his owners abandoned him because he was... too affectionate.

Ravi was left at a veterinary clinic in Connecticut, where his family gave a shocking reason: he was tormenting everyone with his love. The cat did not live with his owners for long, but he wanted attention and cuddles so much that he literally did not give them a break. As a result, the owners decided that the pet was not right for them and handed the eight-year-old cat over to the care of veterinarians. They contacted an animal shelter, which agreed to take the fluffy cat.

After spending a few hours with Ravi, I realized what his family had in mind — and was even more surprised that his owners had abandoned him. The cat is a real find for anyone who wants a gentle, affectionate pet who openly shows his love

“He has such a sweet, silly personality,” said Jennifer Langendorfer, executive director of The Little Guild. “He loves to cuddle with the staff and spend time with the other shelter cats. And his favorite thing to do is lie on our laps and nap.”

He’s a clean, well-behaved cat who would fit into almost any home, the shelter says. The only problem may be his emotionality. But if there is a family that is ready for such a stormy display of feelings and will pay enough attention to the cat, everything will be fine with Ravi.

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