Bids for the AMG SLS Black Series approached a million dollars, but the owner changed his mind about selling the car (37 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
24 May 2024

Bidding at the online auction Bring a Trailer ended in an unusual way - the deal did not take place. Bids on a very rare Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Black Series with just 240 kilometers on the clock reached $975,000, but the seller refused to sell the car. But the author of the highest bid and the owner of the supercar continued to communicate in the comments to the listing and, perhaps, reached an agreement.

The SLS AMG in the Black Series version was considered the most extreme “civilian” Mercedes-Benz supercar at the time of its appearance. The two-door, which became the ideological successor to the famous “gullwing”, received not only a suspension with track settings and the most aggressive appearance, but also a seriously pumped engine. The 6.2-liter engine for this version was boosted from the standard 571 to 631 hp. With. without any supercharging, calling it the most powerful serially aspirated engine in the world. He worked with a 7-speed robot. Of course, the circulation of this engineering masterpiece was strictly limited. According to some reports, only 350 units of the “black” SLS AMG were assembled, 123 of which were sent to the USA.

The 2014 model year model put up for sale had three owners, but none of them used the supercar for its intended purpose. The first owner paid $285,800 for it, but over the past ten years, prices for exclusive automobiles, especially trouble-free ones, have increased significantly. Therefore, several hundred thousand dollars for a supercar without mileage does not look strange, although the 975 thousand offered for this example is already called a record price.

Despite this, the owner of the SLS AMG Black Series was definitely counting on a more impressive outcome of the auction, since the deal did not take place with the participation of the online platform. Judging by the comments, the seller and the generous buyer found a common language privately outside the auction, and, most likely, the supercar will change hands for a seven-figure sum in the range of $1.1 to $1.2 million.

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