Single? We'll fire you! A Chinese company's crazy plan (5 photos)

Today, 07:57

In China's Shandong Province, a large company has come up with an idea to help the Chinese government in its campaign to increase the number of marriages. The management came up with a radical idea: if all singles and divorcees don't get married by the end of the year, they'll be fired.

Hooray! We won't be fired!

A brilliant marriage plan

The Shuntian Chemical Group employs over 1,200 people. And about half of them are not in a relationship (either divorced or haven't found a partner yet). This statistic was very unpopular with the patriotic business owner.

In general, the number of marriages in China fell to a new low of 6.1 million last year, down 20.5% from 7.68 million just a year earlier. And the only jump in the birth rate in the last seven years happened in 2023 only because everyone who wanted a child postponed having one. So that the child would be born in the year of the Dragon and be strong in life.

An interesting fact: although there are few children in China now, because there are many Chinese, it still seems like there are a lot of children!

In this way, the Chinese, without even realizing it, are creating an age imbalance. When there are forty people in one class, and the children in the class are fifteen.

She demanded that all single and divorced employees between the ages of 28 and 58 "get married and settle down." The statement was made in January, and anyone who does not get married in March must write an explanatory note in which the person would discuss what is preventing him from finding his soulmate, and what he needs to work on.

Singles will be put on leave by September.

The company also approved a policy that emphasizes traditional Chinese values ​​such as loyalty and filial piety.

There is a lot of competition for good jobs in China, so they can marry for the sake of work, like in a rom-com

Excessive patriotism

"Not responding to the government's call to improve the marriage rate is disloyalty. Not listening to parents is not filial piety. Allowing yourself to be lonely is unkind. Not living up to the expectations of colleagues is unfair," - this is the memo sent to all employees of the company.

People, of course, were stunned, and quietly "snitched" on their company to the local HR bureau.

When the inspection began, the management said that these were simply "recommendations for a happy life," and not mandatory instructions. Although we all understand that for recommendations for happiness, they do not fire people by September.

It's funny that the traditional red wedding color goes so well with the communist flag

It's not March or September yet. The Chinese are sure that if even one person is fired for "not being married," the company can be sued for a large sum for violating rights. So some even want to remain single until the last deadline.

Although, what prevents you from firing a person for a far-fetched reason?

The Chinese joke that if some employees listen, then new sanctions will begin next year: you will be fired if you have not had a child in a year.

I already said that the most strange wedding contests for our relatives with the Chinese

Such crazy enthusiasm as this company has is even impressive. As is the complete disregard for the laws!

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