Drunk Briton Pays for Insulting Flight Attendant (7 photos + 1 video)

Today, 09:14

Lewis Howarth, from Bolton, Greater Manchester, had too much to drink before a flight to Turkey. The drunk Briton called a flight attendant a swear word when she asked him to fasten his seatbelt.

The Jet2 flight from Manchester to Turkey was already 90 minutes late when Howarth became aggressive.

As two officers boarded the plane, the father-of-two shouted: "F*** you!"

Because of concerns that he might headbutt one of the officers, the passenger had to be thrown to the floor. He was then dragged away, but the 36-year-old man did not let up: "I'll bite you, *****" and tried to sink his teeth into one of the officers.

The footage shows the businessman sitting on the floor, resisting the police when they try to put him in a wheelchair.

The very next day, Howarth flew to Turkey on a different airline, where his wife and children were waiting for him. He even wrote several humorous messages on social media about his arrest: "Okay, let's try again. Only cola this time." Judging by the publications, the holiday was a success: selfies with camels, jet skiing and other entertainment.

The incident occurred on August 29 last year, and last Thursday the troublemaker was sentenced to 14 weeks in prison. He admitted his guilt.

Gareth Hughes, prosecuting, said: "The plane was due to take off at 4.15pm but was delayed until approximately 5.45pm. The flight attendant became aware of the defendant as he appeared to be very drunk. She approached him and asked him to take his seat and fasten his seatbelt. He attempted to do so but was unable to do so as he was very drunk. He was slurring his words, using foul language, his pupils were dilated, and his coordination was impaired. The flight attendant reported the situation to the aircraft commander and continued to converse with the accused for the next ten minutes. However, despite her best efforts, he continued to violate the rules and order. He stood up from his seat and insulted the flight attendant, approaching her closely, trying to intimidate her. By this time, the plane was already moving onto the runway, but the captain, having learned of the situation, demanded that the man be removed from the flight. The police officers were greeted with applause, which indicates the accused's bad behavior."

"As the man was being aggressive and would not leave, the officer grabbed him by the scruff of the neck while his partner held the accused by the arms from behind. As they were trying to get him into the wheelchair, Howarth said, 'I'm going to bite you, f******.' He was trying to bite PC Ben Morton on the arm. He fought back and kicked PC Ecob in the face. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured as the accused was only wearing socks. However, the blow caused temporary pain to his mouth and teeth. The officer then punched him in the stomach to stop him from attacking further."

Howarth has previously been convicted of assaulting police officers and drink driving.

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