10 most valuable toys of all time (11 photos)

Category: Toys, PEGI 0+
14 January 2025

For collectors, toys are more valuable than the joy they bring. From diamond Barbie to Darth Vader action figures, these pieces have become rare and are worth millions.

1. Barbie by Stefano Canturi: $302,500

This unique doll, created by jewelry designer Stefano Canturi, features a pink diamond necklace. She sold for $302,500 in 2010.

2. GI Joe: $200,000

The 1963 figure sold for $200,000. Why? It's one of twelve hand-painted examples created by designer Stanley Weston.

3. Missile-firing Boba Fett: $185,850

It's no secret that Star Wars toys are in high demand on the market. However, none of them are as intriguing as this Boba Fett, released in 1979. For safety reasons, the missiles were removed before the figure even hit stores. So getting the original bounty hunter is not a cheap pleasure.

4. Steiff Teddy Bear in Louis Vuitton: $182,550

Toys from the German company Steiff are highly valued, some of them can cost more than $100,000. However, the most expensive of them is considered to be the teddy bear created by the fashion house Louis Vuitton. In 2000, it was sold for $182,550.

5. Mickey and Minnie Mouse on a Motorcycle, Tipp & Co: $110,000

This 1930s wind-up motorcycle is the most expensive Mickey Mouse toy. It is believed that only 18 were ever made. In 2000, a collector bought the toy for $110,000.

6. Obi-Wan Kenobi: $76,700

This 1978 Obi-Wan figure is the first to feature a dual-telescope lightsaber. The dual-telescope feature was quickly removed to reduce production costs, so it's the one with the highest price.

7. Hot Wheels Pink VW Beach Bomb: $72,000

It is said that only two of these 1969 Hot Wheels were ever made, and one of them was purchased in 2000 for $72,000. In 2018, the toy was valued at $150,000.

8. Darth Vader by Kenner: $64,900

Like the Obi-Wan toy, this classic Darth Vader model features a retractable lightsaber. There is also a purple version that was an error.

9. Vlix by Kenner: $45,000

Even die-hard Star Wars fans may not be familiar with Vlix, a character from the 1985 animated series Star Wars: Droids. Kenner never made a Vlix toy, but sold the idea to a Brazilian company called Glasslite. The figures were released in limited editions.

10. Kenner's Luke Skywalker: $25,000

While this 1978 Luke figure does have a retractable lightsaber, it was the first one released. That means there are more copies of Luke than his master or father.

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