A large flock of sheep walked down a street in England

Yesterday, 01:47

An ordinary morning in the county of Cumbria. This region of England has a population of about 500 thousand people, and there are more than 3 million sheep here.

The county of Cumbria in England is a territory where the laws of the road are dictated not by people, but by furry four-legged inhabitants. The morning landscape of this county is more reminiscent of a surreal picture, where instead of a stream of cars, a living, woolly stream of sheep moves along the road. Three million furry residents against half a million two-legged ones - it is not surprising that there are unspoken rules of road etiquette here, where priority is given not to cars, but to the herd instinct.

Sheep fill the roadway with the same confidence with which residents of large cities fill the subway during rush hour.

Each animal knows its place in this woolly migration, moving synchronously and harmoniously, like participants in a choreographic number. Cumbria is a great example of how nature can sometimes speak louder than any road signs or traffic lights.

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