Texas Woofus - a mysterious chimera that reveals the secret of the diversity of Texas cattle breeding (8 photos)

28 November 2024

There are centaurs, minotaurs and other fauns in mythology. And this fantasy creature has an unusual name - woofus.

What is hidden behind the image of the mysterious creature?

The Texas woofus is a mythological chimera consisting of the main types of Texas cattle. Originally created in 1936 to celebrate the state's centennial for the Dallas Exposition, the Woofus features the mane and neck of a horse, the tail of a turkey, the body of a pig, the wings of a duck, the head of a sheep, and, of course, a pair of impressive horns representing the Texas Longhorns.

However, this Woofus is a recreation, not the original. When the original statue, created by sculptor Lawrence Tenney Stevens, was damaged in 1941, it was taken away and mysteriously disappeared. Some suspect that the local Christian community considered it too pagan and destroyed it. There is also a version that the sculpture was removed for repairs and then put in the wrong place.

Be that as it may, the wufus was forgotten for almost 60 years. In 1998, at the request of the Friends of the Fairgrounds organization, David Newton made a replacement wufus. The fate of the original remains a mystery.

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