Funny and unexpected translations of the names of famous brands (12 photos)
Many people do not think about translating brand names that produce familiar products for all of us. And even knowledge of English language may not always help with translation. To decipher everything you need knowledge of Bavarian mythology and an understanding of Latin. But if If you have the Internet in your pocket, then all the difficulties of translation can be solved. Let's Let's look at funny and unexpected translations of the names of famous brands.
dove (dove)
Old Sea Wolf (colloquial English)
Delirium tremens
famous Belgian beer
Rice in a box
This name comes from the Korean word 도시락 ("toshirak") and literally translates as "rice in a box" (served for breakfast).
mountain dew
Mirinda translates as "amazing" or "worthy of wonder" with Esperanto. It is an artificially created international language, which was invented by the Warsaw linguist L. M. Zamenhof back in the 19th century.
In fact, this is a compound word consisting of two chemical names: perborate + silicate = Persil.
black head
The brand was named after its founder Hans Schwarzkopf. Gliss is translated as "shine".
good bet
horned hare
This brand was named after a mythical creature - a cross between hare, roe deer and duck, which, according to legend, lives in the Bavarian forests. Rumor has it that by drinking this drink, there is a chance to catch a mysterious animal.