He will remember for the rest of his life: a mother taught her son a lesson by pouring water on him from the second floor (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 23:15

Woman punishes child after teacher calls her son for bullying classmates.

A mother in Zhejiang Province, China, poured water on her primary school-aged son to teach him a lesson for bullying his classmates at school. The video has been viewed millions of times on Weibo and was later uploaded to YouTube.

A woman ordered a boy to get closer to the window of their second-floor apartment while she poured water on him from a small basin. When the student started shouting "No!", she asked: "Why not? Didn't you say it was fun?"

A Chinese woman punished her child after a phone call from a teacher who reported that her son was pouring water on his classmates from the third floor of the school and also throwing milk cartons at them. The boy explained to the administration that it was a lot of fun.

"Did you think about the children below when you poured water on them?" the author of the video asked when her son complained that he was cold.

This method of punishment has received wide support on the Internet.

"This is the best parenting I have ever seen," one user noted.

"The mother taught her son a lesson because she is experienced and smart. He will remember this for the rest of his life," wrote another.

Another participant in the discussion added: "No one loves children as much as their mothers. She did this for his own good."

However, there were those who do not support this approach to the process of raising children. In response to criticism, the mother rhetorically asked: "What if next time he decides that throwing stones at people is also fun?"

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