A drink that is gaining popularity in Japan is water jelly (6 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
6 June 2024

The Japanese love jelly, but they have trouble with decent yoghurts, but there is jelly for every taste. And the latest development from Japanese companies - water jelly!

It stays in your mouth like a drop in space

So you can eat jelly instead of drink.

Is this a hit? For the Japanese - yes

Water jelly went viral thanks to TikTok videos, of course. When this water is poured from a bottle, it behaves like thick, viscous jelly. At the same time, it is transparent and looks like bottled water.

Jelly made from water in a spoon, because just water is not enough

But it’s not water. As you can imagine, the Japanese are wildly delighted. You can sprinkle the water with chocolate chips or put a nice piece of fruit inside the cup.

The water jelly was released by JR East Cross Station Water Business Company, the name is straight as a board - FROM AQUA Water Jelly.

By the way, such water would be useful in space, but it’s too high in calories

At the same time, they managed to make water jelly even more nutritious than Coca-Cola or sweet juice. For example, 100 ml of juice contains 40 kcal, and jelly from water contains 55 kcal. And there’s not even that much sugar in there like in juice.

Grandma's water

Initially, this jelly was planned to be a special food for older people with swallowing problems. They can eat water like pudding and not suffer from lack of moisture in the body.

Water jelly in the shape of a cat, let's go, we won't see anything more Japanese today

Because in addition to the fact that jelly provides moisture, it also slows down the rate of fluid removal from the body. That’s why nursing homes and retired people buy it, having watched enough TikToks from teenagers.

This is where the unity and mutual assistance of the entire Japanese nation took place - in jelly from water! In principle, for Japan it even sounds somewhat expected...

She added chili sauce to her jelly water. Tik Tok generation.

A month after the release of the first 250 ml line, the company had to quickly introduce 550 ml bottles, plus increase production by 2.8 times - supply could not keep up with demand!

The girl froze jelly water and poured chocolate syrup over it... Okay, everyone has fun as they want

Would you try it? I wouldn't. It's just a play on emulsifiers and thickeners, for restaurants with unusual food where nothing tastes as it seems.

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