Builders got the address wrong and accidentally renovated the kitchen while the owner was away (3 photos + 1 video)

Today, 17:36

Chloe Fountain from the US returned home to find builders working on her kitchen, even though she hadn't booked any renovations. The woman claims the same "mistake" happened last year.

The woman took to social media to share several photos. She walked into her home and saw a long red carpet in the hallway.

"Why is this happening? The workers have come to the wrong house again," she wrote.

Chloe noticed four construction workers hard at work on her kitchen countertops.

"One of the guys is chatting with his boss right now. Looks like I have freaking granite (in the kitchen) now. They handed me a bill I won't show you and I paid for it. I love it, yay! I love mistakes."

She noted that her previous countertops were wood, so this unexpected incident prompted the upgrade.

Social media users questioned whether it was really a mistake, speculating that the builders wouldn't have been able to do the renovation because of the different layouts of the homes.

"They installed granite in my kitchen. Where I live, every house is the same, they all have the same layout. I went grocery shopping and didn't lock my door. I live in a small town bordering Detroit, and it's very safe," she said.

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