An Italian woman took cruel revenge on a migrant who robbed her (2 photos)

Yesterday, 17:38

The woman did not go to the police and decided to take personal vendetta against her offender.

A crime in the style of an action-thriller about a bloody vendetta took place in the small Tuscan town of Viareggio. The owner of a beach restaurant tracked down and ran over the criminal who robbed her several days ago three times with her car.

The robbery took place on the evening of September 8. An Algerian armed with a knife attacked 65-year-old Cinicia Dal Pino on the street and stole her purse. The woman did not go to the police and two days later tracked down the criminal herself and ran him over with her car. The man was taken to the hospital, but doctors were unable to save him.

The police tracked down Cinicia Dal Pino through cameras and detained her a day after the vendetta. She is accused of premeditated murder. The first hearing in her case is scheduled for September 11.

As cynical as it may sound, judging by the biography of the murdered Algerian, many in the town breathed a sigh of relief thanks to the woman's actions. The "victim" Said Malkoun was homeless and earned money by stealing. He was arrested more than once for thefts from cars and shops. It is also known that Malkun was repeatedly deported to his homeland, but he always returned. In total, he lived in Italy for more than 10 years, including in Rome and Bologna. However, the small Viareggio became his last stop.

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