In South Africa, an engineer was jailed for 15 years for a false resume (2 photos)

Yesterday, 19:16

A smart guy managed to sit for 5 years in the position of chief engineer of a railway company.

A former chief engineer of the state railway company of South Africa was sent to prison for 15 years because of a resume in which he lied about his high qualifications.

When applying for a high position, smart 49-year-old Daniel Mthimkhulu indicated that he graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand, completed postgraduate studies in Germany and defended a dissertation, and also has many diplomas for advanced professional qualifications. The amazed or bribed HR staff simply could not help but hire such a valuable specialist. As a result, he worked as a chief engineer for 5 years, receiving R2.8 million per year.

The fraudster got a lucrative job in 2010. And only in 2015, the lie about his education was revealed and Mthimkhula was arrested. During the investigation, it turned out that the chief engineer had only graduated from high school. Interestingly, the investigation of the criminal case dragged on for 10 years. But the investigation did not report that the convicted man had connections in the state company, which allowed him to “buy” the position. It is hard to believe that Daniel Mthimkhulu did everything himself, and the management, HR staff and his subordinates were so naive that over the years of work they did not notice that he lacked even basic skills.

It is noted that Mthimkhulu was sentenced to such a severe punishment, including due to the increased responsibility of the position that the convicted person occupied. Fortunately, during the five years that Mthimkhulu held the post of chief engineer, there were no serious railway accidents.

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