A Company in Japan Figured Out How to Save Workers from Burnout (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 19:16

Japanese tech company Qnote has officially hired 10 cats to work for them.

The cats in the office hold various positions: "chief clerk", "manager", "auditor" and "chairman cat".

Actually, why was this necessary? The thing is that the management noticed that the 32 human employees were not very happy to go to work every day and work hard there. They did go, but without enthusiasm.

Back in 2004, it was decided to hire the first cat named Futaba. The cat settled in the office, the programmers loved her, the level of positive emotions increased. The management looked at this matter and decided to multiply the positive experience.

So, gradually 10 cats appeared in the team. The office was rebuilt for cats and now the cat employees work there full-time. Some of them live in the office, and some of them live with the IT guys and go to work with them.

Well, the first cat Futaba, who celebrated her 20th birthday this year, is the highest-ranking employee in the company, even surpassing the boss, Nobuyuki Tsuruta.

Tsuruta, a cat lover himself, said the animals have been an effective recruiting tool. They have also helped reduce the company's attrition rate.

Qnote specializes in web design and app development and lists "love of cats" as a top requirement for job applicants.

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