Crocodiles have flooded an Indian city, but the locals have nowhere to run from them (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 16:59

Giant crocodiles are everywhere! This is the reality of Vadodara, an Indian city. And it's actually much scarier than any crocodile horror movie I've ever seen. Because there are a lot of them, no one knows exactly how many.

Dude, can I get you a drink? Can you throw me a ball?

The crocodiles arrived in Vadodara after a local river overflowed due to record rainfall. At first, locals almost lost everything they had because of the flood. You couldn't walk the streets, you had to save your property. And on top of that - crocodiles, hungry and dangerous ones at that.

The Internet is already full of videos of crocodiles on the streets of the town, resting on the roofs of houses or moving along the alleys. Some local animals died, so the crocodiles have something to eat, so they are not going to leave.

Not a weak carcass, it even killed a cow

Vishvamitri crocodiles

They swam from the nearby Vishvamitri River, where there were always quite a lot of them.

About 20 crocodiles have been caught so far, but this has not affected safety in the town. After all, there were at least a hundred of them in the river!

- The smallest crocodile we caught was half a meter long, and the largest was 5 meters! Locals warned us about this huge crocodile, - said Vadodara forest inspector Karansinh Rajput.

How they captured it like cowboys, that's some skill

The locals weren't that scared, because if you live next to a river full of crocodiles, you get used to them somehow. And during the monsoons, they often crawl outside the river.

But this year there's been a real invasion of them, and they've decided to settle in the city as a whole "pack" and evict the people.

One, two, three... six people tie up one crocodile.

However, people are in no hurry to evacuate. As they say, crocodiles on the streets are not a reason to move. They kill domestic dogs and sheep, so they are evacuated, but people are smarter than crocodiles, so they stay. You have to protect your property and put things away if the river rises even higher.

On the one hand, it is very sad that people have nowhere to go to such an extent that they are ready to endure both the flood and the crocodiles. But an unforgettable life experience.

They're chasing the new crocodile back into the river with sticks, we've got plenty of crocodiles here without you!

On the other hand, we're still thankful that during the floods, crocodiles don't come here.

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