The work of the “Illuminati”: a mysterious rare coin was found in a man’s wallet (3 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
26 June 2024

A man found a rare coin in his wallet, but didn't know how it got there. Social network users decided to help the guy find out her origin.

A mysterious rare coin was found in a man's wallet and people believe the Illuminati may be to blame. The photo was shared by a user with the nickname Western-Equivalent44 on the popular Reddit forum.

Rare coins are difficult to find, but when people make such a find, they often wonder what its history and true value are. One man found a rare, unusual-looking coin in his wallet, but didn't know how it got there.

Forum users decided to help him by coming up with “wild” theories that it was the work of the “Illuminati” or that they tried to flip the coin and not steal it, as is usually the case.

“My friend found this coin in his wallet today and doesn’t know where it came from,” the author wrote.

Attached to the post were two photographs of the coin, which looked nothing like what people would receive change from at the supermarket.

In the comments, people tried to tell as much as possible about the find:

"According to a coin collector's website, it is likely an imitation of something called a widow's mite";

"Here it is. My mom and dad wore them. They are spiritually significant, but insignificant in monetary terms";

"This coin is mentioned in the Bible";

"Your friend has now become a target of the Illuminati. Tell him to be careful";

"As others have said, it's the widow's mite. How did it get there? I don't know. Maybe some pickpocket is using his skills to put little mysterious blessings in people's wallets."

1 comment
Guest Bobby
Guest Bobby
26 September 2024
Look I have two of those coins what is the widows mite
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