A mysterious plane that disappeared from radar 53 years ago was found at the bottom of the lake (2 photos + 1 video)

17 June 2024

The wreckage lay at a depth of 60 meters near the last point of the private airliner's route.

At the bottom of Lake Champlain, in the US state of Vermont, they found the wreckage of a 10-seater private jet, Jet Commander, which disappeared from radar 53 years ago.

The airliner, en route from Burlington Airport to Providence, Rhode Island, disappeared on January 27, 1971. There were five people on board - three employees of Cousins ​​Properties from Georgia, as well as two crew members.

Immediately after the plane disappeared, rescuers began a search, but they were unsuccessful. The operation had to be stopped four days later due to worsening weather conditions: the lake where the plane could have fallen froze.

The mysterious airliner was never found, and the passengers were considered missing. It was only in May 2024 that sonar surveys revealed debris lying on the bottom of the lake near the last point of its route recorded by air traffic controllers.

"With all this evidence, we're 99 percent sure it's Jet Commander," said diver Harry Kozak, adding that more information about the crash would be forthcoming.

Relatives and friends of the passengers who were on board the flight admit that they finally felt relief - they are planning to organize a farewell ceremony soon.

"Living 53 years not knowing whether the plane was at the bottom of a lake, or perhaps somewhere on the side of a mountain, was very difficult. Now I feel relieved because I know the truth. Unfortunately, other questions remain unanswered, and we have to work on this,” added a relative of one of the deceased passengers.

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