Drops without warning: Why does the black mamba have the blackest reputation among snakes? (10 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
6 June 2024

The black mamba has a reputation as an extremely dangerous predator. No one in the whole wide world doubts that this is one of the most dangerous reptiles on the planet. But to gain such a reputation, the mamba had to not only invent a powerful poison, but also carry out a competent marketing campaign. So that all people tremble at her mere appearance!

First of all, the snake worked on the right place for its PR company. The mamba lives across vast areas of East, South and West Africa. In arid savannas it hides in thick grass, and in forests it moves onto tree branches. And it was a very good choice. In hot climates, mice and small birds—the snake’s main food—breed at an incredible rate. And people walk around half-naked, so they constantly run the risk of getting a dose of poison. They have to walk carefully, carefully examine their surroundings and constantly remember: danger is close.

Oops, wings are on sale!

Secondly, the predator took the creation of her image seriously. If you see her at least once, you will remember her forever. The black mamba is the second largest venomous snake on the planet. The length of adult individuals exceeds 2 meters. And some unique ones manage to grow up to 4.5 meters! At the same time, the animals remain slim and flexible, weighing no more than 4 kilograms. Excellent physical characteristics are emphasized by a stylish color - dark olive-colored scales.

Yes, that's right, contrary to the name, the black mamba is not black. The snake was named so because of its mouth. Check out the photo below.

To keep her body in shape, the mamba has to adhere to a strict daily routine. The animal wakes up around 7 am, crawls out of its hiding place and sunbathes for 2-3 hours. Then hunting, a break for water treatments and an afternoon nap on a warm, luminous pebble. After which another hunt and on the side. The day will not be wasted!

The tar mouth serves as a warning to animals. By showing it, the mamba says that it is about to bite.

The results of a correct and stable daily routine are amazing. Our heroine is the only snake that is really difficult to escape from. Over a short distance, it accelerates to 16 km/h! And thanks to its size, it is capable of biting a person not only in the legs, but also in the chest or face. And the animal does this regularly, because the terrible image must be maintained with the blood of the victims.

African roulette is a mamba loaded with bites.

Mamba is not one of those shy creatures that first warns of its presence. If you come face to face with it, the snake will attack without hesitation. You'll be lucky if the reptile notices you from afar. Then she will warn about her presence: she will raise her upper body, hiss, and be sure to show her black tar mouth.

The black mamba is born immediately with madness in its eyes.

And this tactic works. The black mamba is hunted only by the most reputed representatives of the animal world: the invincible Honey Badgers, the fearless mongooses and the largest birds of prey on the continent.

Five-year-old me telling my mom what ink tastes like.

But even they take risks. When the enemy is close, the reptile immediately inflicts a series of bites. With each of them, the victim receives about 100 mg of poison. And if mongooses and honey badgers have partial resistance to toxins, then a person always receives a dose of poison that is close to lethal.

Before the invention of antivenom, the mortality rate from mamba bites reached 30%. But the statistics included only those people who were able to get to medical institutions and receive qualified help!

Even now, when there is an antidote for snake venom in almost every village, 2 people out of a hundred who are bitten still go to the next world.

It's all about the vile nature of the poison. It begins to act within ten minutes after the bite and greatly reduces the victim’s capacity. A poisoned person's vision deteriorates sharply, shortness of breath appears, and his speech becomes slurred. If he does not manage to reach people within 45 minutes, the loss of muscle control will completely immobilize him.

Okay, you can have my potatoes! Just don't touch me!

But the most unpleasant thing: a meeting with a black mamba can take place even in an apartment. Snakes are not afraid to explore new territories, and they like human structures. It's calm, cool, there's plenty of catch and good company! People do not suspect until the very end that they are in the same room with a reptile. Therefore, the profession of snake catchers is common in Africa. Black mambas are found in a variety of places: basements, closets, under the bed... Even under the Christmas tree!

- Well, answer me, where are all the gifts? - Don’t be mad, man, I’m giving you something more... A saved life.

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