Millions of fish formed a river in a bare desert (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024

Eyewitnesses filmed a river in the desert flowing through hot sand, with millions of fish in it! What is described sounds as absurd as possible, and if not for the video evidence, no one would have believed the locals.

It all started with this video posted on the Internet a year ago without explanation.

There are several options. The first is a tragic and absurd accident. For example, an overturned truck with fish. The water, along with the living cargo, spilled, and, voila, the mysterious phenomenon is ready! It sounds logical, but the cars are not visible in the video, and why make such a fuss about the accident? We collected the fish as quickly as possible, and that’s all! And what kind of car should it be? The size of a tanker?

Some fish live quite well without water. For example, mudskippers. But this is not our case.

The second is the mass migration of fish from one body of water to another. The few lakes that exist in the desert are unsuitable for 99% of fish. But the 1% got used to boiling in boiling water, resigned themselves to the eternal stuffiness and got comfortable in salty waters. Devil's Hole, for example, live and breed well in the picturesque Devil's Hole Lake in Death Valley in California. The water there is like in a jacuzzi - at 33⁰C, but the fish are fine.

The irony is that carp teeth have learned to survive in such difficult conditions, but they cannot adapt to simpler ones! Because of this, their range is limited exclusively to Devil's Hole.

During the rainy season, the water level in desert lakes rises, and a connection appears between them in the form of fickle rivers. Along them, fish migrate from one hot puddle to another in the hope that at least this one will not dry up. True, usually the volume of migration is a thousand times less than in the video. And the water goes in front of the fish, not behind it.

This is how, for example, the creeper fish or the persimmon behaves. During the rains, with the help of powerful fins, the fish crawls from one body of water to another.

The third option is groundwater. A month before the video with the fishing river, underground springs appeared in the desert. The water was gushing right in the middle of the sand and wasteland - something you don’t see every day either! Perhaps, under the place where our video was filmed, there is also an underground river or lake in which fish live. Along with the rise of groundwater, its inhabitants also came to the surface.

Well, guys, who will dive first?

Whatever option scientists call correct, this case is unique today. In the past, such phenomena were not recorded, and after the publication of the video, nothing similar happened either. Whether biologists were able to study this phenomenon on site is unknown, but to date there have been no official comments from scientific luminaries.

Below is a full video of this situation

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