Black widow Vera Renzi (4 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
30 May 2024

The story of one of the most bloodthirsty serial killers of the 20th century. According to statistics, men are more likely to become maniacs, but history also knows women who have killed. And they killed a lot...

Everything happened at the beginning of the 20th century, but even today, having learned the story of Vera Renzi, one feels uneasy. She killed 35 men in succession, without regretting any of them. Including his own son.

In 1903, a girl, Vera, was born into a wealthy Hungarian family in Romania. She grew up and the older she got, the more she differed from the usual idea of ​​how girls behaved at that time. Dad once gave her a puppy, but he was soon found dead. Vera calmly said that she poisoned the pet when she heard that her father wanted to give it to a neighbor.

When Renzi turned fifteen, it became clear that she had grown into a very attractive person. There was no end to potential suitors, and Vera more than once ran away from home with men who were noticeably older. As a result, she finally decided to stay with one of these suitors and they got married. This man was a wealthy businessman and much older than Vera. The couple had a boy named Lorenzo.

But the marriage did not last long. Vera, being very jealous, began to suspect her husband of cheating and, in the end, in order not to suffer anymore, she simply poured arsenic into his wine. Death from this poison is quite painful and the man suffered a lot before his death. Vera hid the reasons from her relatives and society, saying that her flighty husband left her alone, with a young child, for the sake of some other woman. And a year later she said that she had heard rumors that he had been killed in a car accident.

Renzi was not alone for long and married again. Now her chosen one was younger than the first, but even here Vera constantly tormented herself and her husband with jealousy. Literally a month after the wedding, the husband disappeared somewhere again. And also a year later, the Black Widow told those around her that her husband had sent her a letter saying that he would never return to her.

Well, yes, it’s a little difficult to come back after you’ve dined on arsenic.

Two marriages were enough for Vera and the woman decided that she shouldn’t get married again. It was easier to have affairs, meeting men in restaurants and at parties, trying to choose those who came to the city from afar. These novels were passionate, but short-lived. Renzi, as soon as she felt the slightest chill, immediately killed her lover with the usual arsenic. Vera could not even imagine that it was possible to look at someone other than her.

Moreover, she wanted to possess all the men in the nearest radius.

But where did the bodies go? Vera did not want to share the men even after their death. She locked everyone in a separate zinc coffin and lowered them into the basement. One of her hobbies was to go there and chat with former lovers. She also continued to tell everyone about the infidelity of the next gentleman.

One day, one of the wives decided to spy on her husband, who was he interested in? She realized that her husband was running away from her to Vera Renzi. When he disappeared, his wife decided to report to the police and pointed out to Vera that maybe her husband was hiding with her.

The police, so to speak, hit the jackpot - corrosive police officers searched Vera’s house and found 32 zinc coffins containing male bodies, in varying degrees of decomposition. Renzi was arrested and she did not hide the fact that she killed everyone who was found in her basement. She also added that she loved to walk into the basement and sit in a chair, surrounded by ex-lovers.

Afterwards, Vera confessed not only to the murder of two husbands, but also... Lorenzo. The boy once went down to the basement, saw the coffins and got pretty scared. Vera decided not to risk it, fearing that the boy would betray her and poisoned Lorenzo. I decided to get rid of the body and not put it in a common pile with my lovers.

For everything she had done, Vera Renzi was found guilty and received a life sentence. She died in prison.

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