A car dealership burned down in China. The culprit is presumably an electric car (1 photo)

22 May 2024

A BYD dealership burned down in Fujian province. Seven freight vehicles cannot be repaired, and several private vehicles in the service area and in the adjacent parking lot were also damaged. The concern blames the fire on old wiring, however, according to the NTDTV channel, this is the tenth fire at a BYD dealership since October 2021.

Seven pieces of equipment and about 30 specialists took part in extinguishing the fire, which may indicate the scale of the fire. No people were injured in the incident.

Initial reports claimed that the fire started from one of the electric vehicles in the showroom. However, BYD later stated that, based on the results of the inspection, it ruled out the possibility of the car catching fire - all batteries were in good condition. According to BYD experts, the reason should be sought in the state of the wiring of the building itself where the dealership was located: most likely, it is due to wear and tear and a short circuit. Local emergency services have not yet come to a clear conclusion about the cause of the fire.

The NTDTV channel claims that fires in the premises where BYD electric cars were located occur regularly. These are both car dealerships and service stations. In addition, there are two known cases that occurred as early as 2024, when electric cars caught fire during transportation by car carriers.

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