“I never doubted it”: a physically healthy 29-year-old girl received permission for euthanasia (3 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 0+
22 May 2024

After the cremation, her boyfriend will scatter the ashes in a "nice place in the woods" they chose together.

29-year-old Zoraya ter Beek from the Netherlands received permission for euthanasia, despite the fact that she has a number of mental illnesses, in particular chronic depression, autism, anxiety and personality disorder. This process took her three years, writes The Guardian.

Zoraya noted that her story again raised the question of whether it is possible to help patients like her.

"People think that when you're mentally ill you can't think straight, and that's insulting. I understand the concerns of some people with disabilities, as well as the concern that patients might be pressured to die," Zoraya said ter Bik.

The girl admits that when she met her beloved, she hoped that she could heal next to him, but even under these conditions, she continued to harm herself and think about ending her life.

"I finished electroconvulsive therapy in August 2020 and applied for euthanasia in December. It's a long and complicated process. It's not like you ask for it on Monday and by Friday you're already dead. In these three and a half years, neither “I never doubted my decision, although I felt guilty because I have a partner, family, friends, and I am not indifferent to their pain, but I am determined to go through this,” the Dutch woman added.

After meeting with the medical team, Ter Beek expects her death to occur within the next few weeks. After the cremation, her boyfriend will scatter the ashes in a "beautiful place in the woods" they chose together.

By the way, the Netherlands is one of the countries where euthanasia is legalized. According to the law, those who experience unbearable suffering and have no hope of improvement have the right to use it. Zoraya's case is very controversial because euthanasia is extremely rare for people with mental illness.

According to the data, 8,720 people in the Netherlands died by euthanasia in 2022, up 14% from the previous year.

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