A resident of the Russian Novorossiysk watches the attack of attack UAVs and explosions

20 May 2024

A video has been published online showing a resident of the Russian city of Novorossiysk filming a drone attack. As Censor.NET reports, the Russian’s frame included explosions after being hit by a UAV and the flight of one of the drones.

Let us remind you that according to local residents in the Novorossiysk region, in the Krasnodar Territory, more than 20 explosions were heard. They heard the distinctive sound of drones flying by and also saw a missile hit the port. After this, a fire broke out there. Previously, the Novorossiysk fuel oil terminal and the Transneft terminal were allegedly attacked by the UAV.

The network also reported that the port of Novorossiysk was allegedly cut off after arrival.

Also read: Drones attacked an oil refinery in the Volgograd region (RF), causing a fire

Later, the governor of the Krasnodar region, Veniamin Kondratyev, announced an “unsuccessful Ukrainian attack.” According to him, Russian air defense allegedly neutralized more than 10 drones, and “local fires arose” due to falling debris.

The operational headquarters of the Krasnodar Territory reported that allegedly Ukrainian drones attacked Tuapse. As a result of the fall of the device, a fire occurred on the territory of the oil refinery. At the same time, local residents heard an explosion, after which an air raid alarm began to sound.

Attention! Profanity!

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