Drunk Americans took bear cubs from a tree for a selfie (7 photos + 1 video)
A drunken group was caught on video removing frightened bear cubs from a tree at an apartment complex in Buncombe County, North Carolina. In the footage, several people pose with three cubs, one of them drops the baby. Another cub runs away, trying to get over the fence.
Witnesses called police, and State Wildlife Resources Commission biologist Ashley Hobbs also arrived on the scene. She found only one bear cub.
"We found these people and made them aware of how irresponsible and deadly it can be to separate a baby from its mother."
Hobbs said it was unlikely the mother bear would leave her cubs unattended at this time of year. The bear cub was wet and cold. She suspects that the cubs have been wandering for a long time. And people’s behavior only worsened their condition.
"We believe the cubs had a traumatic experience," Hobbs said.
The cub was taken to a rehabilitation center for examination, and after some time it will be released into the wild.
“It’s painful to see that people are irresponsible towards wildlife, because it’s fortunate that we live in the mountains next to these creatures.”
Jody Williams, founder of Help Asheville Bears, also watched the video and was shocked by the behavior of the participants.
“Everything for a selfie, everything for a selfie,” Williams was indignant. “It’s just ignorance, selfishness, this is not how coexistence should be. People living near wild animals, especially bears, should know all the rules and prohibitions, one of which - never touch the bear cub."

The most common bears in North America are the baribal and the grizzly.