16 photos with the results of spontaneous experiments that reveal interesting facts about surrounding things (17 photos)

8 February 2024

What will a coconut look like if it is polished? What happens to a gummy worm if you freeze it? And what happens if lightning strikes sand? It’s unlikely that you ask these questions every single day, but you must agree: it would be quite interesting to find out the answers to them.

1. This is what you get when you polish a coconut.

2. This is what happened to beet juice when it was forgotten for a while

3. This is what an x-ray of a hand with iodine will look like

Since iodine absorbs X-rays, not only the bones, but also the skin are visible in the image.

4. This is what will happen if a cat puts its paw on a plasma ball

5. The ink on the wet check turned into some kind of fantastic map.

6. This is what happens when an 8-year-old child leaves a handprint in an agar petri dish.

7. The M&M's sank, but the letters remained on the surface.

8. Mosaic? No, the sign has just been in the sun too long

Time doesn't spare anything at all. We have a post where we show what many items look like after they've been used for quite some time.

9. This picture can be obtained if you shoot a lightning strike with a long shutter speed

10. This is what happens to a latex glove that has been forgotten for many years.

11. This is what can happen when you try to take a panoramic photo of a person

Yes, panoramic photographs are generally not something to joke about, especially if they include living creatures. We have a selection of animals in such photographs, and they look creepy.

12. This is what can happen to an orange in a very hot climate

13. This is what happens if you dry freeze a gummy worm

14. What happens if lightning hits a golf course flag?

15. What happens when you put M&M's in a cup of water?

A diffuse barrier prevents color mixing.

16. This is what happens when lightning strikes sand

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