17 real plant names that sound so funny that you couldn’t come up with them on purpose (18 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
28 January 2024

Yes, yes, scientific names can sometimes sound quite strange, funny, and in some places even ridiculous. However, there is nothing wrong with this. On the contrary, people who are far from science have the opportunity to at least somehow come into contact with the unknown, but very interesting, albeit in such an unusual way.

Kalanchoe schizophylla

A succulent plant native to South Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and South America.

Opuntia huazhopensis

This is a species of cactus native to Mexico. It is a large, beautiful plant with wide and fleshy leaves.

Ophiopogon yaburan

A bushy, unremarkable perennial, but what a name!

Rebutia mudanensis

Echeveria chihuahuaensis

It would seem, what does a Chihuahua dog have to do with it?

Amorphophallus stinking

A large tropical plant that smells like rotting flesh when in bloom.

Anemone buharica

Restless Lizzie

Duracina cherry

Mammillaria hernandesi

Indian sucker

The fruits of this plant are quite often eaten.

Aster homolepis

Ebelmania yellowthorn

Aristolochia vulgaris

Erica is rosy

This is an evergreen shrub, vaguely reminiscent of a Christmas tree.

Transylvanian liverwort

Viper Bow

This is a wild plant. However, sometimes gardeners grow it as an ornamental plant.

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