A three-year-old tomboy climbed into a soft toy machine (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Fun, Children, PEGI 0+
20 October 2023

A curious incident occurred in the Australian town of Strathpine (Queensland). A mischievous kid gets stuck in a soft toy machine. He really wanted to get his hands on a bright yellow Minion!

3-year-old Imran Hussain was with his parents at the Lollipops play center and his attention was drawn to the soft toy Minion. The boy, apparently, did not pay attention to the fact that the toy was inaccessible and was located behind a transparent case.

He was determined to make the toy his own! He managed to slowly escape from his parents and climbed inside the transparent box through the flap at the bottom of the device.

The parents of another child noticed him there and raised the alarm.

“We went to a cafe to have a snack. I went to order at the counter, and my husband stayed with Imran at the table. But when I returned, Imran had already disappeared. We looked for him everywhere,” said the boy’s mother, Iferana Hussain.

According to Iferana, when they were informed of their son's whereabouts, they rushed to the toy machine. She noticed Imran's head peeking out from a pile of toys.

“He got in there after Minion, got him and tried to get out. He was pleased with himself and clearly enjoyed what was happening.

Lollipops Play Center in Strathpine is approximately 50 minutes' drive north of Brisbane Headquarters

According to the boy's mother, he stayed in the device for about five minutes. She expressed gratitude to the game center staff for their help.

“The staff were absolutely wonderful and lucky they had the key to open the machine,” she said.

As a result, Imran was given a Minion toy as a gift for his impressive efforts. The parents wanted to pay for it, but the center staff allowed the boy to take the toy just like that.

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