russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 1-2

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
3 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- The German company DMG Mori, bypassing all sanctions, continues to support Russia's military power.

Even though DMG Mori doesn't even sell CNC machines to Turkish defense companies, it serves Putin's empire.

Russian customs reports confirmed that DMG supplied Russian defense companies with production vehicles equipped with the latest technologies.

During the ongoing war, DMG Mori has made millions of dollars from defense equipment used against Ukraine.

It is quite obvious that without equipment provided by the West, the Russian defense industry will not be able to produce enough products.

However, companies like DMG Mori continue to support Russian imperialism instead of supporting Ukraine and preventing the killing of civilians.

- According to reports, Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) successfully attacked a Russian helicopter parking lot in the Adler district of Sochi.

- People's Deputy of Ukraine Zheleznyak:

Ukraine received a warning from the United States that there should be no high-profile corruption scandals in Ukraine for 45 days, so that money for Ukraine does not disappear from the main budget.

- Great Britain sends Typhoon fighters to Poland to protect against the growing Russian threat.

- Josep Borrell, the outspoken head of the EU foreign policy department:

The EU will continue to provide and increase financial assistance to Ukraine regardless of what happens in the US, as the EU considers the conflict in Ukraine an existential threat to itself.

Since last year, the European Union has allocated 85 billion euros to support Ukraine.

- Reuters:

The winner of pro-Russian and anti-liberal elections in Slovakia, Robert Fico, was ready on Sunday to begin coalition negotiations to form a government that would likely join Hungary in opposing EU military aid to Ukraine.

The SMER-SSD party, led by the 59-year-old former prime minister, won nearly 23% of the vote in Saturday's parliamentary polls, winning the president's approval to begin talks to replace the technocratic government that has supported Kiev against the Russian invasion.

"We do not change the fact that we are ready to help Ukraine in a humanitarian way," said Fico, whom analysts see as inspired by Hungary's nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has frequently clashed with the EU.

“We are ready to help in restoring the state, but you know our opinion regarding the armament of Ukraine,” he added at a press conference.

Fico's election call "Not a single round" in favor of neighboring Ukraine resonated in the country of 5.5 million people.

Fico said Slovakia has bigger problems than the Ukraine issue, including energy prices and the cost of living, but his party will do everything possible to start peace talks.

- The process of painting the silhouettes of Tu-95MS strategic bombers on the runway of the Russian Engels-2 airbase continues.



- Former British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace:

Average age of soldiers at the front — over 40. I understand President Zelensky’s desire to preserve youth for the future, but the fact is that Russia is secretly mobilizing the entire country.

Putin knows that the pause will give him time to create a new army. So, as Britain did in 1939 and 1941, perhaps it is time to reassess the extent of theft.Indian mobilization.

- Donald Trump promised to withdraw American troops from a number of countries if re-elected:

We spend billions of dollars on military defense and other things without getting any favorable treatment for our farmers... Our troops defend their [countries] and we get paid next to nothing.

It’s not good to do this, many of them, they hate us, but we protect them.

All these troops will return home immediately, and we will not waste money on these countries.

- Military Intelligence of Ukraine (GUR):

Kamikaze UAV strikes were aimed at a Russian aircraft factory where the X-59 missiles were produced.

On October 1, 2023, as a result of an attack on the Smolensk Aviation Plant, the production process of X-59 missiles of various modifications was disrupted.

According to confirmed data, three of the four UAVs hit the target, causing significant damage to the production facilities of the military enterprise of the aggressor state.

X-59 missile (modified X-59MK2) air-to-surface class with a range of up to 280 km — one of those that the Russian Aerospace Forces most often fire at military and civilian targets in Ukraine.

Chernigov, Sumy, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions suffer the most from the use of such weapons.

- Republican Senator Lindsey Graham:

If we turn off Ukraine, it will be 10 times worse than in Afghanistan.

This would be a death sentence for Taiwan.

You missed the whole of World War II if you don't know how this movie ends.

If Ukraine can defeat Russia, China will be less likely to invade Taiwan.

- Ambassador of Ukraine in Warsaw Vasily Zvarich:

The Polish authorities received an invitation from Ukrainian representatives to come to Ukraine for the military industry forum, but did not accept it.

Poland was one of the first countries invited, but did not accept the invitation.

- German Foreign Minister Bärbock:

The future of Ukraine – in the EU, in our community of freedom, and soon it will expand from Lisbon to Lugansk.

With every village, with every meter that Ukraine liberates, it expands its path to the EU.


The Biden administration is deeply concerned about corruption in Ukraine.

The Biden administration is far more concerned about corruption in Ukraine than it is publicly admitting, according to a new POLITICO report.

In «delicate, but not secret» The US version of the long-term plan outlines numerous steps Washington is taking to help Kyiv root out malfeasance and otherwise reform a number of Ukrainian sectors.

It stresses that corruption could lead Western allies to abandon Ukraine's fight against Russian encroachment, and that Kyiv cannot delay efforts to combat corruption.

The confidential version of the document warns that "perceptions of high-level corruption" could "undermine the confidence of the Ukrainian public and foreign leaders in the wartime government."

- British Defense Minister Grant Shapps:

Great Britain will not send its warships to the Black Sea to ensure the export of Ukrainian grain.

- Ukraine received the first repaired Leopard 2A4 tank at the Bumar-Labendy plant in Poland.

The tank was damaged in battles with Russian troops.

- Türkiye will supply Ukraine with hundreds of heavy machine guns

Türkiye recently began supplying models of Canik M heavy machine guns2, which can be used by ground forces and can also be combined with armored vehicles, Middle East Eye reports.

In March, several contracts were signed with the Turkish private arms manufacturer Canik.

More than 600 M2 machine guns have already been delivered to Kyiv for use by a number of services, including military and intelligence.

- Russia is building a new highway from Rostov-on-Don to occupied Mariupol

Red is the trajectory of the new route

- British Foreign Secretary James Cleverley:

China's economy will collapse if it goes to war with Taiwan.

Huge volumes of international trade pass through this body of water, and war would be a catastrophically bad thing for the world economy.

This will also lead to the collapse of the Chinese economy, and, as we now see, the Chinese economy is not omnipotent.

Preventing conflict in Taiwan "is the absolute cornerstone of UK foreign policy."

- White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre:

If Putin thinks he can hold out longer than us, he is mistaken.

- Tonight the Security Service of Ukraine detained the mayor of Sumy, Alexander Lysenko, for accepting a bribe.

The director of the city's infrastructure department was detained along with him.

- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Zbigniew Rau:

Warsaw and Kyiv will require “titanic efforts” to normalize relations.

I will not suggest to the Ukrainian authorities what needs to be done; the Ukrainian side will definitely find a solution if there is such a will on its part.

The Minister also admitted that the reason for his absence at the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs agencies of the European Union was strained relations with Ukraine.

- Russia is testing a “flying Chernobyl” again

Visual data from a base in the Arctic suggests that Russia is preparing to test the Burevestnik nuclear-powered missile, writes The New York Times.

It is known that 13 previous tests ended unsuccessfully, once seven people died during the test.

The experimental cruise missile with unlimited range "Burevestnik" is one of the types of "miracle weapons" announced by Putin in 2018. According to experts, even in the case of a successful launch, it will be years away from “operational deployment.”

- In Russia, an oak tree planted in honor of the abolition of serfdom collapsed

- But this is not certain

- 2 hours later, after these words, Semigin announced that his site had been hacked. Why did you, fraer, give it back?

In other words, the Russian army has to be forcibly dragged to the front with the help of detachments and forced to die for some other people’s wishes, and when I realized what I blurted out, it’s easier to blame it on the schoolboy who hacked the site.

- When there is nothing left to wave

1 comment
4 October 2023
Якщо США допоможуть нам здолати корупцію - я тільки за! Це не питання "незалежности", а здравого глузду, якого в наших посадовців нажаль нема!
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