Famous animals who received a real position or title (9 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
25 August 2023

The career of some animals can only be envied. For example, Major General of the Norwegian Royal Guard Nils Olav III. Sounds like impressively, and the image of a gray-haired and stately men with magnificent mustaches, with a whole set of all kinds of medals and orders. But it really is... a penguin. Not bad for a bird, right? Let's see which other animals got real positions or rank.

Nils Olav III

A king penguin with the rank of Major General of the Royal Norwegian guards. Nils Olaf received his title on August 22, 2023. Penguin lives at Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland.


Cat as honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska. IN In the United States, cats and dogs are often symbolically appointed mayors of cities throughout Apparently they are doing well.

William Windsor

Kashmir goat with the rank of Lance Corporal, 1st Infantry Battalion Royal Welsh of the British Army. Served from 2000 to 2009 after he retired and now lives at the Whipsnade Zoo. Billy already 23 years old.


Cat in the position of stationmaster and executive director of the Kishi railway station in the Japanese city of Kinokawa. A who else could have been in this position at a station called Kisi?

Fu Fu

A poodle with the rank of Air Marshal of Thailand. This is Rama X's favorite dog, King of Thailand, so in this case, there was some nepotism.

In case you haven't noticed, the photo shows Fu Fu in uniform. And even in boots.


A cat who serves as the head mouser at the residence of the British prime ministers. He lives at 10 Downing Street. Larry is now 16 years old.


Another cat mayor. This time an American city in Michigan with the cheerful name Hell. Because of its specific paws and huge eyes became very popular online. Now on his Instagram signed 487 thousands of people.


The horse of Emperor Caligula, who, according to legend, was appointed a Roman senator.

Bonus: Kakareko

The female rhinoceros, nominated in 1958 for the post of head of the city Council of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Kakareko won the election by a wide margin. Their results, of course, were canceled, but you can’t fool the people!

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