20 unusual situations that you can encounter in Scandinavia (22 photos)

28 November 2022

Scandinavia is a region full of surprises. But all countries included in its composition are completely different, and the only thing that their What unites it is the cold weather. In this post you will see interesting chips Scandinavian countries that amazed travelers.

Sir Nils Olaf - king penguin, mascot of the Norwegian royal guard, knighted, bears the rank of colonel

Every year in August, a special unit of the Norwegian Royal guard arrives at the Edinburgh Zoo for the Colonel to review their guards.

In Sweden, many restaurants do not cut pizza. They give you scissors and you do it yourself

A bus stop in Norway may look like a cozy library

McDonald's building in Norway

Toilet on the 21st floor, with a stunning view of Oslo

Sweden has Wi-Fi trash cans to motivate people to take out the trash

In this park in Denmark, authorities installed tree ladders to make it safe for children to climb.

Packaged beer cans sold in Norway are held together with glue only, the only plastic part is the handle

Freight transport in Denmark

A shopping mall in Norway uses cloth towels instead of paper towels in the restrooms

In Copenhagen, trash cans are often angled to make it easier for cyclists to take out the trash.

Oslo, Norway has solar-powered mobile charging stations

Swedish buses have special child seats

When a citizen turns 18, the Danish Parliament gives a copy of the Danish constitution.

In Norway, packaged meat has a “thermometer” that shows how many days are left before it goes bad.

Many Danish restaurants keep track of table occupancy with Legos

In Sweden, they celebrate Fat Tuesday, the day when they eat a lot of semla buns with cream.

Norway has public cycling tools

While waiting for a bus in Sweden, you can see the perfect representation of Scandinavian personal space

Sweden has clear water

In Denmark there are special hitchhiking

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