russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for August 12-13

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
14 August 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Kyiv Post:

Ukraine will seek Israel's exclusion from the Ramstein format, since Israel does not supply weapons to Ukraine.

Ukraine Claims Israelis 'Use' meetings, commit "unfriendly actions towards Ukraine"; and never provided "real help."


According to the latest data, the German Air Force has more than 300 repaired and combat-ready long-range cruise missiles KEPD-350 Taurus out of 600 delivered in 2005-2010.

- Russia claims that 2 Su-34 fighters and 2 Su-35 fighters "suffered" from the guidance systems of two F-35 fighters over Syria.

The airborne defense systems of Russian aircraft have been activated automatically, Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit, deputy head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation for Syria, said.

- Crimean bridge, again.

Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak shared on his channel TG «The Beatles — Yellow Submarine after reports of explosions on the Crimean bridge.

Russian-appointed head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov claims that air defense forces shot down two Ukrainian missiles in the area of the Kerch Strait, the Crimean bridge was not damaged.

Another photo showing smoke around the Crimean bridge at several points.

According to the adviser to the head of the Crimea, the special services "placed a smoke screen on the Crimean bridge", the movement will resume in the near future.

Apparently, Russian forces used smoke generators during the Ukrainian attack on the Crimean bridge.

Photo of the Krymsky bridge after the dissipation of smoke screens. No damage is visible on the bridge.

- Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Russian Su-30 Fighter Crashed in the Kaliningrad Region.

The crew died.

- After some time, the smoke generators were launched again

Another attack was reported on the Crimean bridge.

Russian Forces Launch Smoke Generators Again.

Eight explosions are known at the moment.

Some positions of the Russian air defense system were compromised today.

- Commander of the armed forces of Great Britain Admiral Tony Radakin arrived in Kyiv.

Radakin Meets with Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief General Zaluzhny and Discussed the Situation in the War Zone and Ukrainian Troops' Requests for Military Assistance.

- The wreckage of a Russian Su-30 fighter that crashed in the Kaliningrad region.

- Ukrainian forces liberated Urozhaina, Donetsk region.

- North Koreans were ordered to preserve the portraits of Kim Jong-un first of all in case of storms and floods.

The country is preparing for tropical storm Hanun, which has already hit South Korea, and is now approaching North Korea.

- Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

The Russian warship "Vasily Bykov" opened a warning lighton the dry cargo ship SUKRU OKAN under the flag of Palau, en route to the Ukrainian port of Izmail.

The Russian Inspection Group Boarded the Dry Cargo Carrier.

After that, the ship continued moving to the port of Izmail.

- Ukraine Country:

Western partners allegedly want to see a woman head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

Volunteer Maria Berlinskaya, Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk and Director of the Anti-Corruption Action Center Daria Kaleniuk are considered among possible candidates.

- The Minister of Defense of China will visit Russia and Belarus from 14 to 19 August.

Are you still buying on aliexpress?

- Niger's military junta has agreed to start negotiations with ECOWAS leaders.

However, they intend to bring ousted President Mohammed Bazum and his accomplices to justice on charges of treason and endangering state security.

- North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspected the work of military factories, incl. for the production of tactical missiles and guided missiles for MLRS, they set the task of quickly increasing productivity and increasing production "exponentially"

- "I only heard insults from women" – Director of the Holodomor Museum Lesya Gasidzhak starred in a photo shoot for Vogue.

The case when a powerful hat makes you stronger. Respect

- Zelensky is in the top preferences of Americans.

Only Prince William is ahead.

- La la la la la!

- At night, Odessa was subjected to a new attack. According to the Ukrainian authorities, the city has survived three waves of attacks — two drones and one Kalibr missiles. OVA speaker Sergei Bratchuk said that there were 8 Kalibr missiles and 15 UAVs in total, all of them were shot down.

- "Smile, no stress"

- Dmitry Nagiev: “People at the top get dumb from height, and below — scatter from poverty"

It's not right that our whole life — wrestling, and wrestling — it's a way for us to survive…

Actor and presenter Dmitry Nagiev has been doing charity work for many years. In particular, he is the chairman of the Anna Charitable Foundation, which supports large families, orphanages and shelters. If on the screen the showman likes to joke and even shock, then in life he is completely different. A conversation with one of the wards of the foundation forever changed the life of Nagiyev & hellip;

“Three years ago I headed the Anna Charitable Foundation. Since then I have been in contact with sick children. And this fellowship helped me descend from heaven to earth. Once I was talking with one child, asking him how he lives, what he thinks about. And the kid said that every morning he starts with joy. "What are you happy about?" — I asked him, to which the child looked at me with an uncomprehending look, and after that I received an answer that was unexpected for me: “I am glad that I woke up and I am alive.” — said the kid. And, you know, after this conversation, I realized that my problems — complete nonsense. I am grateful to that boy who taught me to enjoy life and, I am not afraid of this word, helped me understand its main meaning.

“Very difficult, the times hit in the groin. Half of us doubled over, the other pretends not to hurt at all. It hurts, it really hurts. It hurts to have to spend time and one single life figuring outrelations with each other and snatching a bag of sugar from each other. It's a shame… It's a shame that in this country people at the top get dumb from height, and at the bottom — succumb to poverty.

«I am weak… I am weak and do not want to look at the old women stumbling, clutching coins in their fists, which are enough only for bread, which is not at all the most delicious in the world, as they tried to convince us. And I want to live with you in a rich beautiful country. I want to be proud of her and cry when the anthem plays. I want to work for you and live for you. But at this time you don't need my life. You are afraid for your own, and rightly so. But it is not right that our whole life — wrestling, and wrestling — it's a way for us to survive. I have nothing to wish you, except: take care of your children, do not turn into cattle, and that is what we are being prepared for. Do not forget that even in such a rotten and tormented world as ours, love still must, must necessarily rule.

- Cotton Glow: Episode #5 "Caught Tomov"

Ruthless Ukrainians torture Russian officer with caramel latte

- St. Petersburg today

The photo was published by Ekaterina Shulman with the comment:

A film about fascists is indeed being shot in St. Petersburg, and kind readers have sent in expressive shots of how this is happening. However, any game fits into the interiors of this unprecedented city, like a native, especially those of a sovereign nature. And the state of hard porphyry, like a coarse sackcloth, is poor.

- Everything according to plan

In order to assemble an android and a launcher, are they going to spend 3 billion dollars? Yes, for that kind of money, Google itself will raise everything in 3 months.

- It's good where there are no Russians

- DeepState and geolocation maps confirm that APUs are moving forward. The Russians, following Staromayorsk, also abandoned Harvest.

The orcs left the settlement of Urozhaynoye depressed and gloomy, in "some kind of detachment", as one of the participants in the retreat put it. Under the Russian helmets, it seems, irreversible processes are taking place. (video 1)

Officers, of course, fled first. They "made by pen" and sped off, taking all the movable armor. Orcs habitually huddled in a foot column and trudged "to the exit." The Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to cheer them up with cassette tapes, grenades from drones - but without much success. The orcs were dying here in a very bad mood.

Almost all died.

The story is notable for the fact that Urozhaynoye was held not by "squishy mobs"; and not crafty prisoners, but the remnants of the regular "elite" parts of the RF Armed Forces.

(OBTF "Kaskad" and the 40th Marine Brigade).

Wherever the orcs leave, thousands of unrecorded and abandoned corpses remain, which no one has long considered and no one even tries to take out. On video 2 (not only Harvest!) - Russian positions abandoned in recent days. The retreat cannot be called massive or total, but the tendency to "get out of here" observed along the entire Russian front line.

- One and the second clowns, but some kill people, and the second rob them...

- On the 537th day of the capture of Kyiv, everything went according to plan in 3 days

- Sausage

- Soviet artist Alexander Deineka “Yearsabout in the Crimea” — unexpected prophecy...

- Almost a thousand Marines return to Ukraine after training in Britain

900 Marines are returning to Ukraine, having completed a six-month training with specialists from the Royal Marines and Army Special Forces in the UK, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced on Sunday.

British instructors taught Ukrainian marines to conduct landing operations on small boats, including landing on the coast.

In addition, the course included training in the use of NLAW anti-tank systems, portable Stinger air defense systems, mortars and drones for reconnaissance, as well as the destruction of obstacles, for example, "dragon's teeth".

During the training, weapons were used, among other things, that the UK provided Ukraine as part of military support.

“This is the first airborne training program that the UK is conducting for Ukraine. It culminated in the planning and conduct of raid operations by Ukrainian marines day and night,” — noted in the message of the General Staff.

The training program was announced by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in February this year, when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky paid an official visit to the kingdom.

The General Staff cites the words of one of the Ukrainian marines who underwent training: “The training that I received in the Royal Marines turned out to be much more intense than I expected. I learned so much and I never thought that I would do what I did.

- Cruel killers signed up from the colony in "Wagner", went to war and have already been released. Now the relatives of those killed - residents of Lovozero, Murmansk region, fear for their safety.

Konstantin Prikhodchenko and Arsenty Bondarev were sentenced in 2022 for the brutal murder of two men in the village to 22 years and 19.5 years in a strict regime colony. Prikhodchenko beat his victims with a hunting knife, and Bondarev — the butt of a gun. Then, to hide the traces of the crime, they burned the garage along with the bodies.

In the colony, they signed contracts with PMC «Wagner» and went to the front. This year, former convicts returned home after the end of the contract, and now the relatives of the murdered men believe that they may be in danger.

«We are afraid of what they can do to us. Revenge? Not excluded. We are afraid to walk the streets, because at any moment we can meet them. Who will protect us? Who will help us? How can we continue to live, knowing that the killers are free, and now my beloved father is gone? Yekaterina Barakovskaya, the daughter of one of the victims, told The Independent Barents Observer.

The girl also added that in 2022 the court ordered the convicts to pay multimillion-dollar compensation for moral damage to the relatives of the murdered men. But they still haven't received any money.

- About the shootout in a village near Mariupol with the participation of "Kadyrovtsy"

- 19-year-old Misha Rogozhin with Down syndrome agreed to leave Mariupol when his mother convinced him that at the end of the journey he would meet his idol John Cena. He found out about this and flew to Amsterdam to meet the boy.

- Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a lizard and cats

- Now a typical case in Moscow

- Explosions were heard in Belgorod. Eyewitnesses share a photo of a damaged house and car on Yesenin Street. What caused the “pops” is still unknown.

- Germany will send "superdrones" to Ukraine with silent start

Germany is going to hand over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine the latestpiloted aircraft Luna NG with the ability to silently launch on any terrain. Drones can perform reconnaissance and strike missions, Bild reports.

Luna NG (New Generation, "New Generation") is a new development from Rheinmetall, superior to the previous model in all key parameters. These drones have the ability not only to perform reconnaissance, but also to create LTE networks, as well as intercept communications and generate interference.

The drone system includes a ground control station, several unmanned vehicles, a launch catapult and military trucks. It is the catapult that allows you to silently launch Luna NG on any terrain.

UAVs weigh 40 kg and can stay in the air for up to 8 hours, covering a distance of 100 km and rising to a height of up to 5 km. The control system is so automated that no previous drone control experience is required to master it.

The cost of the contract is not called. In 2019, Berlin was going to buy nine such systems for 130 million euros. It was planned that the first devices would be deployed in the German army in the same year. The Bundeswehr also plans to get a strike version of the drones. However, the German government must first adopt rules for the use of armed drones.

Rheinmetall plans to launch the production of armored vehicles in Ukraine within three years. The construction of the plant will cost 200 million euros, its capacity will be 400 cars per year.

- The son of a submariner from the "Kursk" became the 200th in Ukraine: 25-year-old Danis Ishmuratov died because of the same leader as his father 23 years ago

- Confirmed deaths by region and military type from Russia

- New public school built in Texas

- Russians suddenly began to earn less

- Coincidence?

- Users report problems with the Google search engine in the Russian Federation. The problem is primarily observed on mobile devices. The largest number of reports of problems with the search engine comes from Moscow and St. Petersburg, while VPN users do not have such problems.

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