russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for August 7-9

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
10 August 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- RBC Ukraine reports that even during the war, Ukraine continued to supply titanium raw materials to Russia for the production of aircraft and missiles.

- Chairman of the Ukrainian delegation to the NATO PA Yegor Cherniev:

My friends in the Bundestag have just informed me that key parliamentary factions have reached a consensus on the transfer of long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine.

- Governor Kocaeli Seddar Yavuz:

According to our estimates, there was an explosion caused by the compaction of wheat dust during the reloading of wheat from ships.

10 people were injured, two of them seriously. There is no one under the rubble.

- Zelensky:

Russia will be left without ships until the end of the war if it continues to attack Ukrainian ports.

- The Ukrainian defense industry will expand the production of 155-mm NATO standard artillery shells until the end of 2023.

In July 2023, Ukraine produced more than twice as much mortar and artillery ammunition as in the whole of 2022.

- The 47th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down a Russian Ka-52 helicopter from MANPADS in Robotino, Zaporozhye region.

The information was also confirmed by Russian military sources.

- Today, the United States officially approved the transfer of the first batch of M1A1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

Tanks will arrive in Ukraine in early autumn.

The total number will be 31 units.

- US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland visited Niger, where she held "extremely frank and sometimes quite complex" negotiations with the leaders of the rebels who seized power in the country.

Nuland noted that Niger "risks losing hundreds of millions of dollars of military and economic aid."

Nigerian leaders refuse to allow Nuland to meet with both Bazum, the country's former president, and current leader General Abdurahman Tiani.

- India bans the use of Chinese parts in military UAVs.

India is concerned that Chinese intelligence services may use the intelligence of those parts that provide UAVs with communications, cameras, radio transmissions and operational software.


The armed forces of Niger are moving reinforcements to the capital to prepare for a possible military invasion.

- Ukraine increased the production of ATGM "Stugna-P" 4 times since the beginning of the year.


African countries plan to send a contingent of 25,000 troops to Niger as part of a military invasion.

Nigeria can provide more than half of the military contingent.

Besides, Senegal, Benin and Côte d'Ivoire can send their soldiers.

- The Polish Ministry of Defense announces that it will transfer another thousand soldiers to the border with Belarus after a request from the border service.

- Poster of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry cruise missile Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG

- An unknown country (most likely the Netherlands) purchased 50 Leopard 1 tanks for Ukraine from the Belgian company OIP Land Systems.

Two of them have already left the OIC warehouses inGermany and Italy for overhaul and equipping with modern weapons systems.

- It is reported that Polish mechanics (from PGZ) were sent to Ukraine to repair the Ukrainian 155-mm Krab howitzers supplied by Poland near the front line.

- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Freedom)

Russia has removed from storage more than 40% of old Soviet tanks and armored personnel carriers that were in Buryatia at the Vagzhanovo warehouse.

This is the largest known base of preserved Russian military equipment. There are about ~ 4000 pieces of equipment.

- AFP citing a source in ECOWAS:

ECOWAS is not considering a military operation in Niger in the near future.

The agency notes that the way to dialogue, to all appearances, is still open.


Ukraine has turned roads into runways to increase the number of air bases.

Ukraine upgraded about 10 Soviet Su-24 tactical bombers to launch Storm Shadow cruise missiles.

Russian forces attacked airfields in western Ukraine where there may be Su-24s. For example, in Starokonstantinov.

And yet Russia fails to strike them again and again.

This is due to the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine move Su-24s with Western missiles from base to base every day.

Ukraine restored all the airfields of the times of the USSR, and in some places turned roads into runways.

The most valuable western Patriot and IRIS-T air defense systems are used to protect air bases.

- Budanov visited Bulgaria.

The Ukrainian delegation held meetings with the Minister of Defense of Bulgaria and the director of the Bulgarian Military Intelligence Service.

Ammunition will be more

- The tragedy in Pokrovsk: the number of victims increased to 67, – MIA.

Of them – 29 police officers, 7 rescuers and 2 children. 7 people died. Debris clearing continues.

7 dead, 82 injured: debris clearing completed in Pokrovsk – GSChS.

We will never forgive

- Ukrainian steel protects Ukrainian soldiers.💪🏻

As part of Rinat Akhmetov's Steel Front, Metinvest enterprises have already delivered to the front:

▪️203 armored steel mobile slings;

▪️120 armored shields for cars (80 more are being prepared for delivery);

▪️more than 150 thousand plates for body armor;

▪️43 tons of wire rod for mini-bastions;

▪️116 thousand staples for the construction of protective structures.

The steel of the company made 80 thousand units of means to counter the advance of the enemy.

All aid is provided free of charge within Rinat Akhmetov's Steel Front.

- Arakhamia initiates the exclusion of the People's Deputy Torokhtiy from the Servant of the People.

He must lay down the mandate and return the money received to the budget. This pig rested during the war in Bulgaria and managed to change 3 cars. And at the same time, he continued to receive compensation from the budget for rent.

- Ukraine does not supply titanium raw materials to Russia, - the State Property Fund denied information about trade with the Russian Federation.

“This is not true. OGCC does not cooperate with the aggressor state, the company's products are not supplied to either Russia or Belarus.

- Infographics: known cases of destruction and damage to ships and boats of the Russian Navy

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces pushed back the Russians near the settlement. newOegorovka, but do not control Novoselovskoye, – deepstate.

▪️In the Kupyansk region, the Russian Federation has brought fresh forces and a considerable number of assault units, attacks in fields and forest belts, which is facilitated by two-meter grass.

▪️Fights are sharpening at Robotinoe and Verbovoye. Collision lines – conditional, the situation in the region is very dynamic.

▪️It is very difficult in many sectors of the front. Probably one of the most difficult periods in the great war continues for the defense forces.

- Ukroboronprom took 65th place in the TOP-100 defense companies in the world.

Compared to last year's rating, the company has risen by 24 positions – from 89th to 65th place.

And as it feels, the first

- On the border with the Russian Federation, the checkpoint has resumed operation: Ukrainians can return from the occupied territories.

This was reported ( at the Ministry of Reintegration. We are talking about the checkpoint Kolotilovka – Pokrovka on the border of the Belgorod and Sumy regions. Then you can go from Sumy to Kyiv on an evacuation train.

At the railway station in the capital, Ukrposhta pays each citizen upon arrival UAH 3,000 for children and persons with disabilities and UAH 2,000 for all other persons.

- Popes must protect. We need you in a package

Most controversial banner found in the Amur Region

- Is the founder of Yandex ashamed of his Russian origin?

▪️The former CEO of the company, Arkady Volozh, described himself in his biography as a "Kazakhstan-born Israeli technology entrepreneur." I forgot to mention for business and living in the Russian Federation

Sanctions, is that you?

- The new satellite image shows that the Ropucha-class landing ship of the Russian Navy «Olenegorsk miner» left the port of Novorossiysk after the Ukrainian kamikaze attack.


Cluster munitions allowed the Ukrainian forces to take up new positions and gave impetus to the Ukrainian counter-offensive.

Cluster munitions hit a larger area than conventional artillery shells, hitting concentrations of Russian infantry, groups of vehicles and other targets, clearing the way for ground forces to advance.

- Ukraine will receive about a hundred Swedish terminals for satellite communications.

Portable terminal antennas connected to the Internet via geostationary satellites will be provided by the Swedish company Satcube.

The cost of one terminal is 65,000 US dollars. Germany paid for the terminals and will hand them over to Ukraine.

Ukraine received the first terminals at the beginning of summer.

Compared to Starlinks, Satcubes are slightly slower — 70 Mbps vs 100 Mbps. However, communication with geostationary satellites is more difficult to block.

Satcube uses the satellite network of the American company Intelsat.

Elon Musk's SpaceX has provided Ukraine with more than 40,000 terminals connected to the Starlink satellite network.

- The new satellite image shows that the Ropucha-class landing ship of the Russian Navy «Olenegorsk miner» was put in dry dock in Novorossiysk after the attack of Ukrainian kamikaze.

- Apocalyptic scenes at the Zagorsk optical-mechanical plant in the Moscow region after a powerful explosion.

Pictures from Sergiev Posad in the Moscow region: a powerful explosion thundered at the Zagorsk optical-mechanical plant.

Russian sources claim that the explosion at the Zagorsk optical-mechanical plant in Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, occurred due to a “process violation”.

They add that "it was not a drone attack."

More photos from the explosion at the Zagorsk optical-mechanical plant in Sergiev Posad, Moscow region.

Shots from the site of the explosion at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant in Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region.

Contains the remains of artillery shells.

- Minister of Defense of Russia Shoigu:

Finland is likely to deploy NATO forces and strike weapons that will be able to hit critical targets in the northwestern regions of Russia at a considerable depth.

Here, they haven't forgotten about Finland either.

- Germany handed over two more launchers for the Patriot air defense system to Ukraine.

- Russian MLRS "Grad" on the basis of KamAZ, they were disguised as a casing so that it looked like an ordinary low-profile truck.


For the first time, DPRK-made ammunition was seen in the hands of the Russian military.

North Korean 122-mm R-122 rockets have recently begun to be issued to Russian crews of the BM-21 Grad.

Judging by the pictures, almost all the markings on the missiles were washed away.

- History lessons in modern Russian schools

- 15 years ago Russia invaded Georgia

- Give me two

- About Russia in our time..

- The picture is 10 years old, but what has changed?

- Supporters of the war in Ukraine began harassing a resident of Krasnodar and her daughter because they asked the wives and mothers of the Russian military not to weave camouflage nets right on the playground

- Vzhuh and...

- It will be easy to read to people without a head

And in short, this is a new history textbook for high school

- Well done, respect

- In Volgograd, the driver of the "Sarmatmobile", which became famous throughout Russia, want to punish for inciting hatred against the American people

According to a resident of Tatarstan Ravil Garifullin, after the arrest and conversation with the police, they took a written undertaking not to leave and an obligation to appear from him

- About Volozh from the former DTF browser

- General Wiking

- This will probably be more effective

- Reminds me of something

- There was a factory....

Well, you understand

- Nearly 80% of the collapses of personalist autocracies are military coups, popular uprisings or civil wars. The first ones are useless (democracy is established only in 16% of cases), but they are bloodless. The latter are bloody and not particularly useful.

- Coincidence?

- Somehow disturbing

- Vladimir Putin submitted draft amendments to the laws on martial law and state of emergency to the State Duma

The document appeared in the database of the State Duma. The amendments provide for Russia's refusal to inform the Council of Europe of its deviation from international treaties in terms of respect for human rights in martial and state of emergency.

The day before, Putin issued an order that Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko would be the official representative of the president in the Duma when considering amendments.

The current version of the laws on martial law and the state of emergency provides that the president, in the event of such a provision, notifies the UN Secretary General and the Council of Europe about Russia's derogation from its obligations under international treaties related to the restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Last March, however, Russia was expelled from the Council of Europe due to its invasion of Ukraine. After that, Russia denounced a number of conventions of the Council of Europe, including those on human rights.

The Russian authorities introduced martial law in four regions of Ukraine, the annexation of which was announced by Russia – Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson. There are fighting going on. Martial law was introduced in October last year. It is not known whether Putin notified the Council of Europe about it – according to the law, which is now proposed to be changed, he was obliged to do so.

- The military commissars demand lists of employees registered with the military from the heads of enterprises. Similar letters were sent to Cheboksary enterprises. The military commissar demands to provide up-to-date data on employees by August 25. Threats of fines for non-compliance

- Putin's Endless War. The New York Times

And in the last photo right North Korea - and you can't tell the difference

- Non-unique mass

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