The newlyweds climbed a dangerous peak for a photo shoot (12 photos)

31 July 2023

Wedding photo shoots can be non-standard - and even extreme. A couple of newlyweds from Scotland celebrated their wedding to one of the peaks of Mount Sgurr Dirg, the most inaccessible in the entire Great Britain. The summit can only be reached by rock climbing. that the newlyweds decided.

Scots Mark and Victoria Lyons held a wedding ceremony in an unusual and very picturesque place - on the Isle of Skye, connected bridge to the northwest coast of Scotland. However, the couple decided add a little flair to your celebration. After the ceremony, the newlyweds climbed one of the peaks of Mount Sgurr Dirg. This ledge of rock is 50 meters is located on the top of the mountain, and is considered the most difficult peak Britain and the "holy grail" for climbers.

The dangerous peak can only be reached by rock climbing, and having relevant skills. Armed with climbing equipment, the guys in dressed in wedding attire climbed approximately 914 meters. All It went well and the shots were amazing. According to the couple, they met in 2010, and in 2018 they climbed together on another Scottish peak, which is called "Inn Pinn". This inspired them someday hold a wedding ceremony in the mountains.

"We climbed the mountainside on foot for more than two hours, carrying climbing gear, wedding dress and suit. with the weather lucky - it was the sun, light fog and a breeze. The climb up the mountain was exciting! The mountain gave us amazing views on the way to the top, "- said Mark, the head of the family.

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