Rare slug spotted in British waters (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
23 May 2023

Some creatures from the natural world seem unreal, and more like cartoon characters. Rare sea slug Babakina anadoni is just such a creature. Recently discovered off the coast Cornwall in England.

This colored slug was found under a large stone near coast of Cornwall, England. "Rainbow" sea slug, or Babakina anadoni is known for its bright colors. It is usually seen at shores of Spain, Portugal and France, but this was only the fourth time, when this creature was seen in the UK. Most often they are found divers, but this time it was found by experts in the study of stones from local project The Rock Pool.

"If you saw as many stones as I did for the last year, you would understand that sometimes under the stones there are extremely interesting inhabitants. The last stone I found was just that. I lifted a large and heavy stone covered with seaweed, and immediately I saw something bright underneath. I read a lot about nudibranchs, so I immediately realized who was in front of me. It was the rarest rainbow slug," - said Vicki Barlow, an expert from the project.

These sea slugs belong to the eolidic family. nudibranchs, and grow up to 2 cm in length. The main color of his body is pink, and the slug releases its multi-colored "tentacles" (cerats), when he feels threatened. Basically, these creatures feed on algae and anemones, and other sea slugs.

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