The mystery of the blue lotus so beloved by the Egyptians (5 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
2 March 2023

Blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea), also known as blue lotus, Egyptian lotus or sacred lotus is an aquatic plant, which lives in rivers and lakes in Africa and Asia. This flower has been known for its beautiful blue petals and healing properties

The Egyptians believed that the water lily helped in the wires in the underworld and helps to communicate with the gods. The flower is even found in famous "Egyptian Book of the Dead" and was considered a symbol of immortality. At flower has entheogenic qualities - substances that are able to change creation, influence the behavior and self-knowledge of a person, expand the scope perception. Hallucinogen, to put it simply.

These qualities have been perfectly used since ancient times by the most different religious organizations. One of the most famous of these natural hallucinogens - ayahuasca, which is still used today by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon and Brazilian shamans, when religious rites.

Another huge plus of the blue lotus is that it does not need a special care and conditions. He also had enough soil that was not rich in useful substances, where little oxygen. The bud rose above the surface of the water for three days. It opens around ten in the morning and closes around three. hour of the day.

The Blue Lotus contains two alkaloids - nuciferin and apomorphine. The second is a non-selective dopamine agonist and is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. It has also recently become clear that that apomorphine perfectly treats erectile dysfunction.

book of the dead

In ancient Egypt, medicine, magic and religion were very closely connected to each other. The Egyptians tied all aspects of life to otherworldly. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is one of the most ancient and detailed manuscripts, according to which you can study all the properties blue lotus. And in the papyrus of Ebers (1500 BC) you can read almost a thousand different recipes and treatments. The document is very valuable. A lot of recipes are dedicated to the fact that the blue extract lotus is a very powerful aphrodisiac. And because of this its very often used by the elite at secret meetings in temples, adding it to sacred wines.

What else the Egyptians liked about the blue lotus was its resemblance to the Sun, they worshiped the flower also because of this. The scent of it so beautiful and charming that on the walls of tombs and other rock drawings you can see images of people who inhale it.

Lotus has always been used in a variety of ceremonies and celebrations.

blue lotus

The blue lotus can be found in the papyri of the erotic content. The water lily in all situations is used only privileged members of society - priests or members of the royal family. This suggests that the delightful properties of it were not available. ordinary people.

The blue lotus was revered for its almost magical properties and it was a very important aspect of the traditional culture of the ancient Egyptians.

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