russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for February 16

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
17 February 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Contemporary art, it is

But wait, I'm sure a bunch of Russians would see this as LGBT propaganda because of the rainbow

- Even NATO is afraid of this equipment

Finally, the second army of the world, everything is fine with equipment and supplies

- Small penis — 15% discount, big — thirty%

In Yekaterinburg, an eatery decided to support men against the backdrop of Viagra leaving the Russian Federation. They give a discount on oysters. 15% discount for pet feather owners, and 30% discount for real gun owners (well, if you know what I mean)

In the literal sense — f*ck marketers

- Russia is preparing for a long war

▪️In Magnitogorsk, even children were given an exact copy of a Kalashnikov assault rifle weighing 3.6 kilograms, put on camouflage not intended for swimming and forced to swim (such are the "fun starts")

▪️This is no longer brainwashing, but the real preparation of a schoolchild for war. Is Russia preparing for a long war? So at 4 years old?

The government wants to make more widows and single mothers? Don't care about the kids either? Let's send schoolchildren?

- There will be no large-scale breakthrough: the Russian Federation does not have enough personnel or equipment for a major offensive, — ISW.

The war against Ukraine colossally depleted the reserves of equipment and manpower of the occupying country, necessary for a new offensive in the east, says ( 2023) in a report from the Institute for the Study of War.

Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have the opportunity to organize a counteroffensive within a few months. Its effectiveness depends on the rapid supply of Western tanks.

- Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen arrived in Kyiv ( by train.

This is the first ( visit of a high-ranking Israeli official to Ukraine since the start of the war.

- "We are two girls. We can no longer keep a corpse at home."

The coffin payments of the inhabitants of the swamps are clearly bypassed. Well, nothing, you can embalm like Lenin.

- Ammunition stocks are depleted: both sides of the conflict use more shells than they can buy or produce, — Bloomberg.

At the same time, the publication notes ( that The Armed Forces of Ukraine can rely on factories in Europe, the US and Canada, while Russia is forced to ask for help from the DPRK and Iran.

- Night missile attack did not cause the need to limit the supply of electricity. There is no shortage in the system, — Ukrenergo.

Consumption limits were not introduced in the regions, shutdowns are possible only with an increase in consumption.

- The US tilted Europe, put it in a pose and do whatever they want with it, — Lukashenko.

Bulboführer claims that the European countries are ready for negotiations, but "the Americans do not want this."

- In Germany, the number of emigrants from Ukraine in 2022 amounted to 962,000 people, — Bild with reference to the German statistical office.

Thus (, more refugees from Ukraine arrived in Germany than from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq combined during the period from 2014 to 2016.

- Russia is afraid of rallies

The order is proof of that. The tsar-father is already moving on an armored train, lives in a bunker and has twins. Really understood that the people are tired?

- Solovyov's son spotted at a gay orgy in London

This is such fake news that was noticed today in the information field. The creator of this news item clearly wants Nightingale's dung to go into cardiac arrest. The author also added that "at the after-party orgy, Nightingale's son is called" Blonde "

Wow, the heart of a crazy grandfather would stop ... Although who knows how it really is?

- Combat sledgehammers?

Deputies from Novosibirsk sent sledgehammers to the front. Um, why? Chop up leopards? Or seen enough of the Wagners?

What is the weapon of the second army of the world?

- Mister Kringe 2023

If Obama — schmuck, who then is this fabulous pig? And why is he freaking out of the way?

- #losses of invaders as of 02/16/2022

🔻+690 dead of the RF Armed Forces per day

▪️Junior Lieutenant – Kanchiyr Angyr Otchugash

▪️Sergeant – Vitaly Medvedev

- 61% of EU citizens believe in the victory of Ukraine, — Eupinions poll results.

Most of all believe ( in ours in Poland – 81% of citizens.

- Rat Medvedchuk got closer to Putin.

Viktor Medvedchuk reported ( that he permanently resides in Moscow after the Ukrainian authorities handed over rashki to his representatives as part of an exchange.

- Iskanders, from which Russia could fire at Ukraine, got on satellite images.

Radio Liberty has discovered a new satellite image showing positions of Russian Iskander missile systems in the Bryansk region. They were deployed between January 28 and February 1 in the area of the village of Alyonovka in the Unechsky district.

- The Russian offensive has already begun, — Vladimir Zelensky in an interview with BBC News.

“Russian attacks are already coming from several directions,” — said ( the president.

However, Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukrainian forces can continue to resist the Russian advance until weapons arrive.

- Instagram turns into Telegram.

Now it will be possible to create channels of two types — information and discussion. The first will accommodate up to a million users. The latter are similar to chat groups for communication of up to 250 users.

- Prigozhin thought that he was part of Putin's circle, but he was lowered literally in a week. Now, out of anger, he throws brown on the fan.

- We are not afraid of your sanctions! Troitskoye, Ulyanovsk region, school number 3, toilet for boys. Our answer to Europe! Show this to your fucking European commissioners, so that they suffocate in impotent rage, Iblis.

- Calendars lie

- Grandfathers endured and the Russians were told

- And when will factories from the European part of fascist Russia begin to be transported to the Urals?

- This is a French network, if I'm not mistaken? Auchan?

- Of course, we shot down the drone, but the shutdown schedules will not introduce themselves

- In fascist Russia they began to sell colored herring under the guise of red fish. People take it without looking, but at home they understand that they bought the wrong thing.

- Finns are good, be like Finns

- Three days from Kyiv, before negotiations with the Nazis

- A poem by Ukrainian arm wrestler and blogger Ilya Izman, who died in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

- Rosrechnadzor will keep our language from English

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