This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 22

23 November 2022

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

Russians trained by Kadyrov's men fight a "squirrel"

Chants, methods of fighting an invisible enemy - all according to Kadyrov’s training manual!

Mobilized Yakuts are freezing in a tent to patriotic music

In Kemerovo, mobs did not share the helmet and started a mess

You're going to kill yourself, you fools...

Instructions for gays in the Russian Army

A gay soldier from the Russian army talks about the sex life of soldiers in the trenches:

Here you can have sex not only with a gay man. Men who go half a year without sex happily agree to have sex... We had a very handsome guy from Ryazan, we were on duty with him in a trench, it was boring - fucked up. I started so carefully 

??But from a Dagestani and a Chechen you can get a bullet in the forehead for a proposal of this kind. Although, according to the warrior, they “regularly fuck” with each other

In general, the gay soldier encourages men from the LGBT community to not be afraid to go to war. And he adds:

Fucking in a trench under the stars is an experience that can stay with you for life

Just some kind of advertising campaign. Prigozhin on minimum wage?? And they said you don’t have gays there

Mobik's mother called Putin a coward and a show-off

“The mothers of Russia have a lot of questions. Let’s engage in dialogue with us, and stop shutting our mouths with our ostentatious events.”

Have they finally learned not to endure? Marvelous! Well, Putin, will you come out of the bunker or what?

First, a girl was stabbed 29 times, and then a hero of the country

Konstanin Kiselev is a Wagnerian who received the “Order of Courage” from Prigozhin personally. Since 2017, he served time for stabbing an acquaintance 29 times and strangling her friend.

Russia, how do you like your heroes? Do you like it? And then they will return home (well, not a fact, of course, but there is a possibility)

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