13 years he saves human lives (6 photos)

28 December 2022

It makes no sense to deny that everything happens in life. And people cope with the difficult trials that have fallen to their lot in different ways. But someone cannot withstand the blows of fate and decides to take extreme measures...

When Chen Xi arrived in China, it was not easy for him to settle down in unknown bustling city. He was lonely, he didn't know where to go, who to talk to. And now loneliness at a certain moment became so unbearable that Chen decided to jump from the bridge of the Yangtze River. Saved him stranger and after that Xi decided that he would help others desperate.

Every weekend he rides 20 km on his scooter, walks bridge and observes those around him. In 13 years, he saved 321 lives! Chena called "the angel of Nanjing" and he claims that unfortunate people, no matter how there were reasons for suicide, they look the same. Chen heard hundreds of stories about job loss, fears, difficult breakups, illnesses...

Chen says. that the bridge is notorious for its bad reputation among local residents - he attracts suicides with his serious height and scenic view. For 50 years, they stepped from it into infinity more than 2000 people. And every year there are about two hundred attempts. suicide.

A man does not consider his actions to be something special: "I just I talk to these people, I look them in the eye when I get feedback - I'm trying to get off the bridge. Everything ends happily! Once I myself was a wounded migrant and needed help, now I help the same desperate". Most often, he manages to help people with words, but sometimes may give you some money.

Many of those who decide to commit suicide are migrants who do not were able to make a living. And nothing happened in the new place, and home they cannot return.

"I understand these people. They are tired of living here, they have difficulties, they there is no one to help, they bear this burden on their own," says Mr Chen Si.

A 48-year-old man makes people believe in the future, in the possibility of change, helps the unfortunate.

"Angel of Nanking" regularly gives a roof over the head to all those in need, whom he was able to take off the bridge. At the same time, Chen remains humble. man and did not become conceited even when a documentary was made about him in 2015.

According to the World Health Organization, every year almost 80,000 people commit suicide. Even more people trying to do it. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 15-29. Low-income countries account for 75% suicides around the world.

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