Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 30

27 January 2023

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

55x55 – SOMEONE HAS GONE CRAZY (feat. Oskar Kuchera)

Borya continues to use before going on air

In Kazakhstan they forced a racist to remove his z from the car window

In the Kaluga region, journalists tested a migrant for knowledge of the Russian language

By the way, the migrant passed the exam

NTV presenter Norkin admitted live that “referendums” are fiction

When one of the studio guests recalled how the residents of Kherson unanimously voted to join Russia, Norkin replied that in reality, Kherson residents support Ukraine, rejoice at the return of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and joyfully sing songs about Bandera.

Oh, the propaganda is pouring in, pouring in...

Everyone was convinced of the seriousness of the man’s intentions

By the way, I have a similar model collecting dust somewhere, without a hammer)

Let's pay the American tank crews 20 million cash - the propagandists have gone completely crazy

Now they want to pay American tankers, take their tanks and send them to live in the Far East

And the insanity is getting stronger...

The diagnosis has been made - you have cringe

The treatment for this deadly disease is not yet clear...

The bottom has been broken. Reconstruction of the Battle of Kursk at the university

The show with fake tanks from the Samara University cost 2.2 million rubles.

Maybe they could at least buy 2 million worth of helmets for their mobs that aren’t fake?

Zelensky, apparently, decided that corruption in Ukraine needs to be destroyed together with Ukraine - otherwise it won’t work

clown Zakharova.

A few more crazy statements:

There has been no talk of any kind of defense of Ukraine for a long time. Kyiv and NATO are ready to do anything to inflict maximum damage on Russia.

Ukraine is a laundromat for the Collective West for withdrawing resources and redirecting money from accounts to accounts

Crimea is not Ukrainian territory, Crimea is Russian territory. It was, is and will be.

Ilya Kiva masterfully works out the Kremlin's money

It seems the tree stump had a stroke

If you look closely, Putin has clearly paralyzed at least his left lip and part of his cheek: half of his mouth does not move in the process of pronouncing words, you can clearly hear him lisp, because he cannot move his lip for clear pronunciation. Or again they injected Botox into a clone.

How scared they were of the transfer of modern Western tanks to Ukraine

When you also take smacking, but there is more patriotism

Has anyone seen Solovyov’s interlocutor alive after this broadcast?

Opinion of an Azerbaijani expert

Nationalists shoot their soldiers in the back - Putin

Again statements from the ceiling, again nonsense, again Putin’s incomprehensible face

That same feeling when you confused LSD with Corvalol...

He himself has long ceased to be a possible opponent for President Putin

The Kremlin brush responded to Zelensky, who said that he was not interested in talking with Putin.

“We know with what promises Zelensky was elected president. He did not solve the problem of Donbass, he did not fulfill the Minsk agreements, moreover, as it turned out, he was not going to fulfill them, he was preparing for war,” said the pussy clown.

Where do they come from?

This is why, children, it is so important to get a good education.

There are currently no prospects for entering diplomatic ways to resolve the situation around Ukraine

The brush of the Kremlin's pussies.

He also stated that “the Kiev regime does not disdain anything, Russia needs to protect itself from danger,” speaking about attacks on Moscow.

Hitler's last mobilization. A good face for a bad game

Practical combat work shows that the Russian air defense system is one of the best in the world

This is what Putin said at a meeting with the governor of the Belgorod region Gladkov.

Gladkov, in turn, said that since the beginning of the war in the Belgorod region, 25 people have been killed and 96 injured as a result of shelling.

One of the best in the world, yeah

Russia signed a visa-free agreement with the African country of Eswatini

But not all Russians can afford a luxury resort. The suite is only available to holders of “diplomatic and service passports.”

For the rest - death in the trenches

A Russian in America clearly showed how people live in a democratic country and went through the facts

First you ask Putin to bomb Dresden, and then you cry that the German police are not happy to help you

Suitcase, station, Russia!

So much time has passed, but the manuals have not changed

A typical Russian patriot saw the M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles handed over to Ukraine on the highway near Dresden in Germany and decided to destroy them

Dzhigit, why are you indignant while driving around Germany! Go to Donbass. There you will crack them “like nuts.” But it is not exactly.

You raise our people

Comedian Yuri Galtsev spoke about Russia, gas and freezing Europe.

Solovyov was specifically set on fire due to the transfer of German tanks to Ukraine

Only there is a nuance, Bombas Dambili is no longer 8 years old, but 9 Volodya, nine...

Threats from a family of drunks, interesting...

Pointed the gun in the wrong direction

Checkmate for Abrams and Leopards

The Katsaps were given unique T-34 tanks, manufactured in 1944, with grandfathers inside. The additional aid package included bows and arrows. Archive footage.

Estonia is planning to attack Russia

Will there be denazification of Estonia or is there not enough strength?

The Yakuts are no longer Russian. It turned out on the next flight

On board a Russian airline S7 plane flying from sunny Thailand, passengers almost came to blows over a racist insult.

Someone didn’t like the fact that someone was shaking his chair with his legs and away he went.

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