russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 12

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
13 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- In Russia, they want to create an Orthodox PMC

The first private military company under the Orthodox Church may appear in Russia. It will be called PMC "St. Andrew's Cross"

There will be Orthodox meat now? In Orthodox black bags?

- Equipment of the second army of the world — incredible

- What is the reason for power outages from a technical point of view?

There are no problems with the production of electricity now, there are problems with the delivery to consumers, because it is the network that deals with the delivery that is badly damaged.

It is therefore critical to reduce consumption. A washing machine turned on once again (in fact, thousands of machines) literally destroys the infrastructure that is still working. Leaves without the light of the light of others.

The same machine is forcing the energy companies to spend money and resources on what they could not spend on.

- Everything is fine, everything is under control, — they said. It's just that now the invaders are preparing to flee from the left bank of the Kherson region. Today, the "liberators" have planned the evacuation of collaborators with their families from the temporarily occupied Novaya Kakhovka.

- The Border Committee of Belarus accused Ukraine of mining the border

- Returning home after 8 months: this is how the first day of the liberation of Kherson looks like in the photo.

Is there any mobilization? Not? So it will be. For some reason, they are looking for evaders from mobilization in Kemerovo (RF). Residents of one of the houses were warned about inspections in three districts of the city at once and were asked to treat with understanding, stay at home and open the doors to military commissars.

- Brain rashism looks something like this.

- The former lawyer from Bukovina collaborated with the propagandist Solovyov. The SBU detained an Internet agitator in the Chernivtsi region who spread disinformation in the region. The traitor collaborated directly with Solovyov.

Russian propagandists used the materials of men for their plots. The traitor in Russia was promised to be granted citizenship and settled in one of the settlements of the Moscow region.

- Alkash Medvedev again hints that Russia has not abandoned its plans to use nuclear weapons.

"Russia, for obvious reasons to all reasonable people, has not yet used its entire arsenal of possible means of destruction." — he crowed.

- 10 chmobiks for a raccoon! Who will give more for our agent stolen by rashists?

- Yes, yes, with such success, Russia will enter the new world order without Kherson, but with orderlies

- Great migration of collaborators. "Employees of the Administration of the Kakhovka district of the Kherson region are leaving the 15-kilometer zone on the left bank of the Dnieper", — said the "head" of the district administration Pavel Filipchuk.

- "The second army of the world is looking for volunteers"

This is how the Ural artist, who depicted this installation, sees the army of the Russian Federation…

- Another batch of lost women who were found in captivity

Sergeant — Zardaryan Vladimir

Senior Sergeant — Chernataev Vladimir

- Panic inside the Russian Federation has begun

In the Krasnodar Territory, at the legislative level, they are already updating data for potential evacuation during the offensive of Ukraine

Yes, God, who needs this Krasnodar Territory, Ukraine does not need someone else's...

- The Kremlin did not add new occupied territories to the map of the Russian Federation

On the maps published on the official websites of the government and the Federation Council, there are also no “new” regions

And what happened, preparations for a new gesture of "good will"?

- Russians are forced to donate to mobiles

Roskosmos sends out a letter of support for the activities of the so-called "Shield and Sword" Association, which helps the mobilized and asks employees for help. Everything would be fine, but voluntariness in fact turns into a forced donation of 2500-3000 rubles

And Where Has the State Budget for the Military Industry Gone?

- #losses of invaders as of 12.11

+ 810 dead RF Armed Forces:

Lieutenant Alexei Morzhov

Lieutenant — Anton Dodotchenko

Platoon leader — Artem Golovan

- Occupation of 7 Ukrainian regions in numbers:

1.79% — Kharkov region

97.27% — Luhansk region

55.43% — Donetsk region

71.83% — Zaporozhye region

72.02% — Kherson region

0.56% — Nikolaev region

100% — Crimea.

- That awkward feeling when you said something and didn't think about the consequences.

- Mariupol will be free in January, — predicts former US Army Europe Commander Ben Hodges.

- This is of course a meme, but, you know, after what happened with Stremousov, some questions arise...

- Rusnya still won't calm down

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