A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 122

25 December 2022
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Bakhmut during the day, view from a flying drone

Bakhmut. The group of occupiers scattered in different directions. View full screen

In the Moscow vicinity, the Russians have strengthened air defense

Some saboteur clearly highlighted the positions, now the Russians should definitely expect New Year’s fireworks

In Russia, a helicopter crashed at an airfield in Ulan-Ude, local media reported.

According to preliminary data, 3 people died. The plane was flying from Vostochny airport to Baikal airfield.

Hot party at the orcs. Solidar

A Ukrainian Armed Forces group came under machine gun fire in the Bakhmut area

DJ Khimarsik throws a party for the orcs

Patriot air defense systems can help drive Russian aircraft away from our borders

Patriot's primary targets could be bombers such as the TU-22M3 or enemy tactical aircraft crews, he said.

And the visor did not save the tank. Bakhmut

How are the occupiers doing near Bakhmut?

Well, to put it mildly, not very...

Classic drone

A counterattack by the battalion of the 46th Separate Airborne Brigade drove the Katsaps out of the eastern outskirts of Bakhmut

epic video shot from a drone.

Our warriors are titans!



Massive drone entertains orcs

Watching two Russian occupiers dragging their

Our pilots are on a helicopter somewhere in the sky above Bakhmut

A short episode of the Battle of Bakhmut

An ordinary Ukrainian tank driver according to Russian propagandists

Shooting invaders from a Hummer

The crew of the BMP-3 was drowned

An attempt to escape from an inexorable fate

The last video of one of the Don-Don members

Arrived well...

Consequences of the introduction of HIMARS fire on Wagner positions in Melitpol

It flew straight into the occupier's forehead

Beautiful, beautiful, nothing to add. The video was taken from the camera of one of the “asvabatites”...

The work of the German self-propelled gun PzH2000 from the inside

Russia has begun transferring equipment to the south of Belarus, closer to the border with Ukraine

Previously, the equipment was brought to the training grounds along with the mobilized Russian Armed Forces.

Throughout today, the transportation of tanks, trucks and personnel of the Russian Armed Forces from Belarusian training grounds in the northern and central parts of the country, where they were stationed, has been recorded.

Russians do not believe that their compatriots are dying in batches in the war in Ukraine

But here is a video confirming this, several dozen dead at once.

A tank that turned into LEGO bricks. I wonder where the crew went

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