This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 45

12 February 2023

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

Residents of Tatarstan complained to Putin officials that their husbands and sons were sent to the front without the necessary equipment

This has never happened before, and here it is again

Mobiks are unhappy that they are used as meat

Kaliningrad soldiers recorded an appeal to the governor of their region.

The poor Asvabadites complain that they were turned from ordinary guards into infantry and ordered to storm positions:

“We do not refuse to carry out the assigned tasks, but we are not prepared for the assault. There are already losses in our battalion. The command is far away, there is almost no communication. We are literally being led to slaughter,” the mobs complain.

Special forces from Buryatia boasted of receiving a pickup truck

Abrams destroyer arrived at the front

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