A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 111

Funny photos, interesting events and people who made history - all this is in the new selection.

We invite you to spend a couple of informative and fascinating minutes in a new hodgepodge of interesting retro photographs. The post is probably familiar to you, so it won’t take up your time with a long introduction. Enjoy watching everyone.

The most daring necklines of the 1950s

A racing driver at the time of an accident, Washington, 1936.

First class suite on the Titanic, 1912.

Kathleen Hughes - American actress, sex symbol of the 50s of the last century.

Tenth Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly, Jamaica, 1955

Nuns in the casino. Sydney, Australia, 1971.

A woman snatches matches from a monk trying to commit self-immolation. Seoul, South Korea, 1963.

Show car RoAcH CoAcH. It was created in 1978 by American auto designer Ed Newton, commissioned by RoAcH Inc., from Columbus, Ohio.

Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury, 1983.

Models in swimsuits, 1957

The first computer was brought to the office, 1957.

Samantha Fox - former British model and dance-pop singer, 1983.

A man selling his new Chrysler cheap after the stock market crash, New York, 1929

Power lines in the city of Pratt. USA, Kansas, 1911.

Ma Barker - the mother of all American gangsters, organized the Barker Gang. She was killed along with her son Fred in a brutal, hours-long shootout by FBI agents surrounding her home in 1935.

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