russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 11-12

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
13 December 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces conducted ground attacks on the Kupyansk-Svatovo-Kremennaya line and recently achieved success, - ISW, the situation at the front.

▪️Ukrainian forces made some progress in Serebryansky forestry last week.

▪️Russian troops failed to break through Ukrainian defenses near Sinkovka due to dense Ukrainian minefields.

▪️AFU repelled two Russian attacks in the Staromayorsky area.

▪️Ukrainian forces also maintain positions on the eastern bank of the Dnieper River and strike Russian positions in the area.

▪️ISW believe that Ukrainian forces already control the entire Great Potemkin Island.

- Former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma warned the US would "lose face in front of the world" if it abandoned Kiev and said Western mistakes contributed to Vladimir Putin's full-scale invasion last year.

- The United States and Ukraine are looking for a new strategy after a failed counteroffensive, NYT reports.

The United States is stepping up the personal military advice it provides to Ukraine by sending a three-star general to Kyiv who will spend significant time on the ground.

U.S. and Ukrainian military officials say they hope to work out the details of the new strategy next month during a series of war games planned for Wiesbaden, Germany.

The Americans insist on a conservative strategy aimed at holding the territory that Ukraine has, digging in and building up supplies and forces throughout the year.

The Ukrainians want to go on the attack, either on the ground or with long-range strikes, in the hope of attracting the world's attention.

- Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Danilov:

Hopes for a counteroffensive were not justified. The NATO textbooks that the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to promote “should be sent back to the archives.”

People sometimes make mistakes. You can't be an excellent student all your life. This does not mean that victory will not be on our side.

The situation at the front is “very difficult,” but despite the problems in Congress, I believe that some kind of military funding from the United States will definitely come.”

Spoiler: Congress goes on recess on December 15th.

- Western components in Russian-made kamikaze UAV (with direct TT from Iran) Shahed-136.

- Zelensky told US senators that Ukraine is considering the possibility of conscripting men over 40 to reinforce troops on the front line.

- A declassified US intelligence report says the war in Ukraine cost Russia 315,000 troops killed and wounded, or nearly 90% of the personnel it had at the start of the conflict.

The Russian army has left 1,300 armored vehicles on the battlefield and is having to supplement those forces with T62 tanks from the 1970s.

- Biden and Zelensky meet at the White House.

Biden said he approved a new $200 million military aid package for Ukraine.

Biden to Zelensky: “I don’t want you to lose hope.”

Biden laughs when asked if he wants Ukraine to win the war against Russia.

- The Polish border will be unblocked. Ukraine has reached agreements with Poland - TSN.

The Yagodin – Dorogusk checkpoint must be unblocked. Tomorrow they will unblock Rava-Russkaya, and then one by one all the checkpoints.

Checkpoint "Yagodin - Dorogusk" on the border of Ukraine and Poland has been unblocked - already movedtrucks are being destroyed, - Deputy Prime Minister for the restoration of Kubrakov.

- The Polish Sejm passed a vote of no confidence in the Morawiecki government.

This outcome was previously predicted by Western media. Donald Tusk is now expected to be sworn in as the new prime minister.

This is positive news for us.

Morawiecki and Tusk are both known as avid Russophobes, but Tusk is more pro-European and his decisions are likely to be more pro-EU and softer on Ukraine.

- A large-scale failure in the work of the Kyivstar operator, users report.

The official website is also not working.

Kyivstar malfunction: the cause was a hacker attack on the network core, - dev ua, citing sources in the company.

Also because of this failure, Ukrainians cannot switch to other operators. National roaming does not work due to the fact that the Kyivstar network cannot transmit information about its subscribers to other operators as a result of a failure.

They write that due to a malfunction in Kyivstar, in some cities there are problems with paying for public transport through a validator.

The failure of Kyivstar affects the operation of some terminals and ATMs of PrivatBank, - a representative of the bank.

You can’t buy E-sim through Monobank either: the service has been discontinued

Here come the memes

And here is the official information from Kyivstar.

The company will provide compensation to those subscribers who had no connection or could not use the services.

Massive DDoS attack on a monobank.

The Vodafone application was also installed.

The SBU opened criminal proceedings for a cyber attack on Kyivstar under eight articles, - the press service of the SBU.

One of the versions that investigators are currently investigating is that Russian intelligence services may be behind this hacker attack.

- My government will demand the full mobilization of the West to help Ukraine, - the new Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk.

“I can no longer listen to politicians who talk about war fatigue in Ukraine. They tell President Zelensky that they are tired of the situation, but an attack on Ukraine is an attack on all of us.”

- In Khabarovsk, at competitions among preschoolers, children were given certificates with the coat of arms of Ukraine

Is Khabarovsk Ukraine?

- GUR broke the federal tax service of the Russian Federation

Russians have not been able to restore it for 4 days. In fact, this is the complete destruction of one of the main government agencies of Russia.

All configuration files that supported the complex tax system of the Russian Federation were completely removed, along with the database and its backup copies, which were maintained for many years.

- Another emergency landing of a plane in Russia

But the interesting fact here is that in addition to people, the plane carried 19 kg of radioactive substances!

I wonder if passengers were warned about the dangerous cargo next to them?

- VW, Siemens and other German companies are demanding compensation from the German federal government because they were unable to profitably continue their bloody business in Russia after the Russian invasionto Ukraine.

- Tied to a tree, buried alive, simulated execution. How the “guilty” are punished in the Russian army.

- Following FastComet and Hetzner, GoDaddy tells Russian customers: “We believe you or a contact listed in your account may be located in the Russian Federation. If our information is correct, access to your accounts and/or related services will be terminated on December 31, 2023."

- 12 years ago in Russia

- “If your neighbor is a migrant, call the military registration and enlistment office.” Such a poster calling for informing on migrants appeared in a house in the Moscow region. The leaflet repeats the famous Soviet poster with the Motherland.

- The Commander-in-Chief of the British Army called for remembering the times of Hitler and preparing for war with Putin

The military budget of NATO countries, according to the organization, fell from 3% of GDP during the Cold War to 1.3% in 2014. Putin’s annexation of Crimea forced European countries, which were just experiencing a debt crisis, to begin change policy. Over the past decade, defense spending has increased by 20%, according to the European Parliament. In Russia and China over the same period they soared by almost 300% and 600%, respectively.

General Patrick Sanders, Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, compares the current situation to 1937, when Britain and its allies debated whether they would have to fight Hitler. The reluctance to do this led to the Munich Agreement a year later. The British-French policy of appeasement, as a result of which Czechoslovakia was given over to Germany to be torn to pieces, made it possible to postpone the big war - but not for long, for less than a year. Sanders told The Wall Street Journal: "The lesson of the 1930s is that when the strategic context [forms] and the threats begin to mount - and I think that's what we're seeing now - you have to start getting there [ war] prepare"

- Tusk: I can no longer hear that someone is tired of the situation in Ukraine

The new Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, called on Western leaders to mobilize efforts to help Ukraine. He said this on Tuesday in his inaugural speech in the Polish parliament.

"An attack on Ukraine is an attack on all of us. We will demand the full mobilization of the West to help Ukraine. I can no longer listen to politicians who say they are tired of the situation in Ukraine. I will demand help Ukraine from the first day [of his tenure],” said Donald Tusk.

66-year-old Tusk already headed the Polish government from 2007–2014. He was twice elected chairman of the European Council, the highest political body of the European Union. The Polish Sejm, at a meeting on December 11, elected Tusk as the new prime minister. His candidacy was supported by a coalition of parties that held a majority in the lower house of parliament after elections held in the country in the fall. For the ruling conservative Law and Justice party, the voting results did not allow them to keep their prime minister in power.

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