russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for February 3

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
4 February 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- "Missionary of Love" ordered?

And it turned out to be a Kirov priest Roman Zayats. This guy was found in Donetsk Tinder. Pop came to Donetsk “to feed” occupiers and local sufferers and was seen on a local tinder.

"A man without prejudice" offers a wide range of services, including 🍆👅💦✊🕳️

Gender does not matter for a sexual giant, the main thing is that a person should not be older than 20.

Well, would you forgive your sins at such a priest?

- The building of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, why did they put on a camouflage net — remains a mystery

- Pun

- #losses of invaders as of 03.01

🔻+ 840 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️deputy commander of a deep reconnaissance company captain Alexander Kudinov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Alexander Semibratov

▪️First Lieutenant Ivan "Karel" Alekseev

▪️Lieutenant Maxim Ryabov

▪️Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Kokshin

- The next six months will be "critical" in the war in Ukraine, — CIA chief William Burns on CBS.

CIA director believes ( that Russia in the situation in Ukraine relies on the "political fatigue" of the West. Moreover, as Burns argued, Washington "does not believe" that Moscow is serious about negotiating a settlement.

- The first GLSDB precision bombs will arrive in Ukraine not earlier than in nine months, — Bloomberg.

The nine-month deadline will go ( =premium-europe) after the US Air Force concludes a contract with the bomb manufacturer, the Boeing Company. Initially, they will allocate 200 million dollars.

Such bombs are capable of hitting a distance of 160 kilometers, which is twice the range of standard missiles from Himars.

- Prigozhin is under suspicion officially.

The Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine reported ( about the suspicion of the founder of the Wagner group; Prigozhin in an encroachment on territorial integrity.

- The unemployment rate in the country this year will be 26%, — NBU.

"In the future, it will decrease -z-2024-roku--inflyatsiyniy-zvit) due to the expansion of demand for labor against the backdrop of a recovery in economic activity, — experts predict.

In 2024, the unemployment rate is expected to fall to 20%, and in 2025 – up to 17.6%.

- The Russians transferred 1.5 million rubles to Ukraine.

Employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was bred for 1.5 million rubles under the pretext of helping the Ukrainian army. The scammers, posing as "employees of the Central Bank", called 31-year-old Artyom and persuaded him to take several loans — several transactions went from his and his wife's accounts to Ukraine, to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

- Z-quilted jackets have reached Australia.

On a decommissioned Leopard tank in Australia, someone wrote "Glory to Russia!" with Zvastika. And propagandists are already proud of it.

- The former governor of the Kherson region Gennady Laguta received suspicion from the SBU.

The ex-head of the region was marked by exploits of corruption.

A cherry on the cake — Laguta during the war… took the car from a local businesswoman. With the help of a black notary, he rewrote someone else's Toyota Highlander to himself, immediately sold the car to his subordinate, and then bought it again from him.

- The United States announced a new arms package for Ukraine for almost $2.2 billion.

Part – from own stocks of the USA, another – manufacturer's order.

- "Helping Ukraine — is the only way to restore peace", — Prime Minister of Italy George Meloni.

She also added ( that Volodymyr Zelensky is "working on a plan" to allow peaceful dialogue.

- Pro-Kremlin streamer Z propagandist GRPZDC has finally been banned from Twitch. His comrade Stas with a low IQ is just once again whining about freedom of speech. Thanks to everyone who wrote and sent reports.

- Answer killed

- Some fight with modern weapons and according to new standards. Other tactics from 41 years old. And they are sincerely surprised why the Armed Forces of Ukraine are pulling them.

From one Russian military TV channel about the tactics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Sitting in one cursed village, we experienced the advanced tactics of the Ukrainian troops. It's called – isolation of the war zone. Enemy constant reconnaissance using commercial UAVs. Sometimes up to 6 "birds" hung over the village. During the day they used ordinary ones, and at night with thermal imaging cameras. In a short time they managed to open the nodes of defense and the path of movement of personnel.

When the reconnaissance was completed, the Ukrainians shot several trails and crossroads. Then they began to suppress any movement. It looked like this: a group of our infantry reached the targeted place and immediately came under mortar fire. On the downed fighters, they worked out from the ACS and sometimes connected copters with a reset. After several such cases, movement between shelters was minimized. Sometimes water could not be delivered to the fighters for several days. Over time, armored vehicles stopped entering the village and there were problems with the evacuation of the wounded and the dead. We had to wait for the fog.

Leaving the village, we felt all the developments of the Ukrainian military. For an hour and a half we were led by a copter with a teplyak and they hit us with a mortar. The feeling is not pleasant. I analyzed the situation for a long time and realized that the main damaging factor in this tactic – it is fear.

Movement is life. Especially in the war. As soon as you are deprived of the possibility of movement, and you experience difficulties with the transportation of the necessary and the evacuation of the wounded, the countdown timer immediately starts. It is important here not even to kill the enemy, but to scare him so that he is afraid to move. Therefore, even one person is often fired at. Looking at all this, the fighter gets the idea in his head that he was driven into a trap and the brain offers options on how to escape from it. Morale drops by an order of magnitude. And this leads to the fact that the position is left.

This tactic still has a weak point. A moving target is still hard to hit. But if you hang an attack UAV of the Bayraktara type over the battlefield, which easily destroys an armored target moving at a speed of 100 km/h – the concept takes shape. In a couple of days, walkie-talkies will sit on the firing points and the water will run out. And even the most trained fighters will leave their positions.

Now this tactic is being tested by specialists on small sectors of the front. It proves its effectiveness and over time, with the help of NATO, the Ukrainians will try to close the kilometers of the front. And we need to prepare for this now.

- Beat the fascist reptile!

- Just another piece of history

- Not waiting, but getting ready?

- Russia's new allies promised to supply leopards

- Are they waiting for him to fly into Biden's window or what prevents him from being shot down for 2 days already?

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